Good Morning and Happy Friday! It is 53 degrees at Mope - TopicsExpress


Good Morning and Happy Friday! It is 53 degrees at Mope Collectors. We will be close to 70 degrees today, with a sun and cloud salad. Saturday will be close to 70, with mid 70s on Sunday and close to 80 on Memorial Day. Let’s get a few hundred thousand hamburgers and meet somewhere. We have no delays, incidents or arrested folks to fill you in on at this time. Today is May 23rd, 2014. There are 172,800 minutes until we honor the veterans at the Brimfest Parade. On this date in 1430, Joan of Arc was captured at Compiegne and sold to the English. In some ways, I am glad we do things a little differently today than in the 1400s. This is a prime example. I would hate to be captured by the enemy and then sold to someone else. What if I ended up getting sold to Steeler’s fans? Yikes. Hey, I love you Steeler’s fans- don’t get upset. Go Browns. The word of the day is…crapulous. The word means “given to or characterized by gross excess in drinking.” We use it in a sentence as follows: “Often, police officers are called to situations involving crapulous people.” Today is NOT my birthday. Happy Birthday to all of you who have the big day today. We hope you get a Duncan Yo-Yo and Toto’s Greatest Hits. I am not in North Carolina, nor am I in Anaheim, California. Good morning to the chief, officers and staff at the Anaheim Police Department. Carry on! Happy Birthday to Linda Thompson. She is an actress and she also spent some time smooching with Elvis. They dated for a few years and broke up a year before he died. Elvis was a lady smoocher. When he started singing and wiggling around, the ladies just wanted to hug on him. I get that. If I sang in addition to being an Internet sensation, it would probably be more than the ladies could handle. That is exactly why I do not sing around anyone but Mrs. Chief. Happy Birthday to James Mankey. He is a rock and roll musician. He is the band Concrete Blond. The song stuck in your head today….Joey. “Joey, baby, dont get crazy. Detours, fences, I get defensive. I know youve heard it all before, so I dont say it anymore, I just stand by and let you fight your secret war. And though I used to wonder why, I used to cry till I was dry. Still sometimes I get a strange pain inside. Oh, Joey, if youre hurting so am I…” Today’s Quote: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” ~Thomas A. Edison Be great today…Chief Oliver.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:45:00 +0000

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