Government should step in to help her out from miserable - TopicsExpress


Government should step in to help her out from miserable state Unable to find any relatives or family — her only son was shot dead in 2005 — who could take care of her. She admits that her car had also been stolen about three years ago. Resides in its deplorable state. She is an artiste who witnessed the birth of the television industry in Pakistan. Daughter of Indian tabla maestro Allah Rakha, Bano has won many awards including the Pride of Performance. But today she lives alone on Kasuri Road, in a house that is so broken down it gives one the impression that it is haunted. It lacks basic amenities such as gas and power, the furniture is broken, trash fills the driveway and a stench surrounds the place. The only working appliance Bano owns is her television. Bano’s financial condition, however, is the least of her worries. It is clear that her mental state has deteriorated as she was unable to speak clearly or coherently.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 07:48:42 +0000

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