Grateful message for March 9th. Someone stole an hour out of my - TopicsExpress


Grateful message for March 9th. Someone stole an hour out of my life! I dont have enough hours in the day as it is, but to simply take one away...especially an hour of my sleep!!! HOW COULD THEY? One could be upset by this...people claim it takes days to adjust, wallow in fatigue, argue the merits of it...but the simple fact is that for most of our country (Arizona still doing its own thing) in Spring we move our clocks an hour forward. There is not take without a gift in this. We will be blessed with daylight later into the evening. We will be able to sit on our front porches and greet our neighbors after dinner. Evening walks will not be as hazardous. If you are a morning person though you are giving up that bit of day light you are use to. Once again you will be driving to work in the dark, if only for awhile. As a morning person I am grateful for the fact that I will still get to see the sun rise, and I dont have to get up quite as early to see it. The true message here is that even though we have set our clocks ahead, it is only a label, we still have 24 hours to enjoy in our day. We are the ones in control of our perspectives..and so goes our moods. Dont let a simple label strip joy from your life...We are quick to scorn Mondays...yes, the beginning of a work week for many, but it is a new day, a new week, and it is more within your design and control that you can imagine. Yes, there are things you have to do...and that is a given, but you are in complete control with your attitude in dealing with this day. Sometimes if you arent able to shake it, stop in your tracks and take a deep cleansing breath! Simply stop for a moment and let the world rush by you...we all get caught up in that race. Hitting the ground running, keeping up with other racers, out of breath, out of control...we think that we need to keep up too...but why? The truth is that there is no reason. Running or walking you have the same 24 hours in your day. You may cover more ground running, but you will not necessarily see more or enjoy it more, you just travel a bit farther. Don and I travel to the coast many weekends.. it is an hour and a half drive on curvy roads. Sometimes traffic becomes heavy and at that time at a straight away a car will buzz quickly by us and 2 or 3 other cars. For those people the perception is that it is all about the destination and not the journey. It is ironic to me that by the time we hit the first traffic signal at the coast, we catch up to that very same car. Rushing and pushing did not get them there any faster, except that they reached that first stop light moments ahead of us. Life is a race only if you want to make it a race. Regardless though you still get 24 hours in your day, no matter how you travel. If you are getting caught up in others race, step out of line and go at your own pace, you will find joy traveling your own personal pace. Today I am grateful that I am given 24 hours today. My pace and without labels or constraints.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:28:15 +0000

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