Greetings....very late greetings....Recalling my theme….’a - TopicsExpress


Greetings....very late greetings....Recalling my theme….’a buried past’, Such profound and substantive evidence of our existence and purpose is not mundane nor trivial. It is profound part of us which should be acknowledged and where necessary, rewritten…corrected. Yes…I am so glad to be back at the helm because I have so much information to present relative to previous inserts. I was in the process of reading 3 of Ahmed Osman’s books, I had reviewed his Moses and Akhenaten, Christianity an ancient Egyptian Religion, Jesus in the House of the Pharaoh’s and I concluded how interesting that so many writers on the subject of ‘a buried past’ my theme in ‘Nile and Sphinx, …..’ I disagree with Osman’s conclusions and other conclusions about characters in the ancient civilization being those of the Testaments. Most books on the subject question the identity of the original residents of that land and the authenticity of stories related to early pharaonic Egypt. (Kemet) Many continue to raise issues of that theme. G. Greenberg’s The Moses Mystery is oh so inquisitive about the Hebrew, Jewish origins in that land as reported in varied texts. On the other hand, Yusef, ben Jochannan, Black man of the Nile and his family dismisses all such books written under the cloak of deception… ben Jochannan as others poses… Where is the evidence? Of that era of history and in the process points out concrete contradictions about the origins of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Israel and the Israelites. Interesting. So what is the story of that Old land, people of the Genesis and the Exodus, who were the people…what was the land …..???? It appears that so many fabrications exist about the religious foundations ….. books reporting the stories of the Old and New Testaments. Fortunately there are records and evidence of that early civilization and the spreading of populations across that vast expanse of land. There are artefacts of unquestionable longevity that the people of those times designed and structured… so many indestructible sources of the genius, mathematical capabilities, astronomically, philosophically sound evidence of those ancient residents and many remains of their sculpture and portraiture of self realization. So many versions and episodes we are given so fervently to study about that period and those people… many argue have no true measurable validity. As I gather data through the subject arguments and debates of the origin of philosophies and religious concepts and practices, I am driven to return to an article in Wikipedia encyclopedia … I note this very sensitive topic… born with a question, I am curious the article.. ‘Historicity of Jesus or the Jesus Myth’ in Wikipedia encyclopedia. Surprisingly a number of scholars have raised questions about this over the centuries, Dupuis and my referenced source, Count Volney of the French Revolution…. questions that have not addressed significantly… Volney stated, and I have quoted…elsewhere… How we are astonished when we consider, that to the race of Negroes, currently our slaves, we owe the beginning of the arts and sciences…. “that acknowledgment in The Ruins of Empires, 1789? I have considered that statement, probably one of the very few that survived the burying of past considerations about that old civilization of empires… So I concluded….Belief of what we are taught or told are ‘on faith’ is not sufficient for the kinds of questions scholarship and research should examine. I needed to find myself… who I am and why I am here… early on in life… so this would ever be my calling…. Those questions raised in the article… I, being an advocate of a ‘buried past’ find it interesting and stimulating scholastically like Socrates, we must ask questions and seek examination of them to make this life worth living… even perhaps to know God, the Creator. More importantly, to become a true examiner of hidden evidence to the contrary of popular belief. Robert Price wrote recent books, Deconstructing Jesus (2000) The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man (2003) and The Historical Jesus: Five Views (2009) It took a great deal of courage one who was a pastor for many years to make such allegations that Jesus was a mythological creation. I’ve had this argument before. Though Price a former Baptist pastor and another reference, Ray Hagins, a pastor for twenty five years turned away from the profession to advocate the unfounded claims of ‘religion’. I raise this issue with the idea of ‘Nile and Sphinx, a Buried Past’ as my guide. These Theologians are beginning a trend of research to support the thesis of a ‘savior’ whose authenticity if All the other books and articles by authors I have listed, truly searching for a route to that ultimate Creator, I have noted with appreciation. Ahmed Osman, Sigmund Freud, Gary Greenberg, and others I have noted. This trend traces the origin of all ‘religions’ to that Nile Valley culture I address in the manuscript, ‘Nile… supporting the subject of the theme, ‘a Buried Past’ Yes, an unexamined life is not worth living… Socrates…. did realize that I discover that almost every road leads back to that civilization on the Nile… through it, we gain insight of Greece, Turkey, Rome, Macedonia… We learn that the city of Paris in France gained its name from the Isis legend, that Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa inspired from the legend of Isis and Osiris from that civilization.. ‘Amen’ in the churches of this day from that same civilization …. An Eighteenth dynasty (Kemetic), Egyptian deity named Amen and a number of rulers of the empire whose names honored ‘Amen’. My ancestral link abolished worship of Amen and Osiris and suffered the consequence of that decision. This is authentic, recorded historical fact… There is evidence.. This is not conjecture. So what have I proven? That we live in a universe of relationships, ever shifting and changing while remaining the same. A sacred story…. needing to emerge… the past is not buried, it should be taught in truth from its foundation in that civilization. It confronts us daily in names and claims…. the newborn…. brings into reality a presence from the past… I was such a newborn once upon a time… a presence from the past. I could not forget that past… even in these days so far removed from that founding civilization. “Thou hast made a Nile in heaven… that it fall for them… “ Interesting after 5,000 years one can be referred to and cited for truth and clarity despite all the opposition to this historical person by his critics. My license to reveal sources of historical relevance is within the subjects that support the theme, ‘a buried past’ subtitle for ‘Nile and Sphinx…’ and for Nile and Sphinx still making its way to reality. So in truth I pause to wish.. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peace…. Love….. The Best
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 04:48:32 +0000

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