HERE ARE THE REVEALS FOR THE ENTIRE DECK TODAY. SOMEHOW THE REVEAL WAS DELETED FROM THE SCHEDULED POSTS, STUPID FACEBOOK LOL. SO I POSTED THE REVEALS USING THE ORIGINAL INTERACTIVE POST. ENJOY XX KRISTY DIVINE GUIDANCE 1-ANGELIC BEING Your Angelic being has been with you since the day of your birth, and will continue to be with you when you cross through the veil and return home. Your angelic guardian is asking you to look for signs and synchronicities. They are trying to communicate with you now. In a whisper of gentle guidance, you may hear your name being called, or feel a subtle touch of a feather or a tender tickle. You may see a sign on a billboard, a magazine or even on TV. Keep your awareness open to the message they are bringing you. 2-ILLUMINATE You are a shining star. In truth, you were born to illuminate the world with your light. The time has come to get out of your own way and allow yourself to be all of who you are meant to be. Remember, it is only the thoughts in your mind that hold you back and it takes a lot more energy to hold yourself closed, than it does to let yourself flow open. This card is asking that you allow yourself to take up space, to open yourself up and illuminate this world! 3-INFINITE LOVE This card represents infinite love that not only resides within you, but IS you. The entire universe is a vibration of love energy. Spirit sees your beautiful heart and is calling you to allow this loving energy to flow fully; into you and from you. It will heal your hurts and negative past experiences, helping you to connect to the true immortal being of light that you are. It is your light and your love that the world needs most. It is time to let the love flow. 4-ATRAL REALMS You have a strong connection with the astral realms. Usually, we visit these realms while sleeping and that is where we meet with our guides, teachers and even other souls who have moved on from the earth plane. For you however, this connection is allowing you to connect while you are awake, either when meditating or working with your intuition. This is truly a gift, as the information you receive here can aid both you and others through life. Spirit is calling you to begin using your gifts in service to others, in the way that feels right for you. 5-ALIGNMENT This is the beginning of a very powerful shift, both spiritually and energetically. This is a complete connection and alignment of your higher self and physical self. Sometimes this alignment can cause chaos and confusion but there is no need to worry or feel alarmed with what is happening in your life right now. Everything is moving into perfect order as your spiritual and physical selves align into perfect balance. Once complete, your daily life will be more in harmony with your spiritual path. 6-ADVANCEMENTS This is a time of change for you in the physical realm and it may involve making some big decisions. Whether it pertains to; changing jobs, making a career choice, beginning or ending a relationship, or moving to a new home, you have some choices you need to make. Trust yourself to make the right choice. Your guides are working with you to help you gain clarity and to move forward in your life. Stay true to yourself and follow your hearts calling. These changes are definitely for the better-both physically and spiritually. 7-HEART-MIND Learning to operate from the heart is one of the single most important things we can do. It is now time to activate your heart chakra to its fullest potential. Spirit is asking that you take time to sit within the energy of your heart. Learn to breathe through your heart while you meditate by focusing your breath in your heart. Feel the loving energy you inhale and allow it to fill you. Let each exhale also be love filled, and feel this love filling the space around you. Through his daily exercise, you become one with your heart-mind—operating fully from a place of love. 8-BALANCE Life is all about balance and this card is here to help you create more balance in all aspect of your life: work and play, relationship time and alone time, social time and quiet meditation, physical activity and rest, giving and receiving, feminine energy and masculine energy. Balancing out each aspect of your life will enable you to give your energy to the world in a much more grounded and centred way. 9-REWARDS We have lift off! Energetically and physically things are about to take-off in your world. Hold on to your hat. All your hard work is about to pay off. Whatever your venture is right now, there is a great movement coming. Things are about to sky rocket for you. Good things do come and this is your time to enjoy them. You have done the work, now it is time to reap the rewards. Congratulations! 10-GENTLENESS You are an intricate being that is unique and diverse in your own special way. Spirit asks that you be gentle with yourself and accept the delicate nature of who you are. The spiralling energy is here to remind you that there is a great power and strength in your softness and it is here to assist you in healing on all levels. It is also here to remind you that you are a Divine being of light who is a deserving as any other human being on earth. Smile and recognize your own authenticity and beauty in all your glory. 11-INFINITE POSSIBILITIES Your daydreams are the creation of your deepest desires and wishes. While they do hold guidance as to what you are needing and wanting on your path, they also carry a creative force for manifestation. The Universe is asking you to allow yourself to dream, to allow the idea that the impossible can be possible. Your greatest wishes in life are a big key to your path and the entire Universe is working with you right now to bring those dreams to fruition. The possibilities of what can be manifested are infinite. 12-HAPPINESS A universal energy is moving through your life and your inner being right now. While this energy sets all matters of the physical world into proper order, it also serves to bring a deeper, more profound feeling of contentment and inner happiness. Be conscious of whether or not you are open to allowing this energy to flow. There is a lot of good coming your way—especially happiness. Also note the golden ripples that emanate outwards. This shows that your energy shift will have a positive and uplifting effect on others as well. 13-OPENING Your intuition and psychic connection is open and flowing, allowing you to access higher realms of knowledge and understanding. Sometimes when we receive guidance or information from these realms is can be a bit confusing or unclear. There is a lot of information moving through your subconscious that your conscious mind has yet to process. It does get easier in time. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Just remember, this open connection is how you are naturally meant to operate. You are now in direct communication with other realities and you higher-self. 14-GRATITUDE Gratitude is a very powerful energy which can open both the heart and mind to all the wondrous blessings we are given. Take time each and every day to offer your deepest, heartfelt gratitude for all that you have and are given. Make a conscious effort to look for all the good that is flowing into your life. Send your love to all those you cherish and love. Your acknowledgments of the Divine flow, that supports and provides for you, opens our energy in a powerful way. You will become your own bright light, even in the darkest of times. 15-DRAGON GUIDE Dragon is here to help you take a stand in your life. Others may have strong opinions about what you should be doing or how you should be doing it. It could also be that others are interfering when they should not be. Dragon has come to help you stand firm for what you believe is right, even if it means breathing a little fire to get your point across. Don’t worry, it will be ok. Dragon is here to help you claim your power and your right to live your life as you see best. 16-ON TARGET Keep yourself focused on the outcome, goal, or result that you are aiming for right now. This card has come to you because you may be faltering questioning yourself. Just let go of your doubts and fears. Your life and you goals are right on target. Keep your intentions clear, stay grounded in your heart and follow whatever intuitive nudging you may feel. Spirit is working with you on an energetic level to help you bring your dreams to fruition. 17-EMPOWERMENT This card shows a gentle, yet powerful opening and energy flow of the third chakra—the power center. Through your own willingness to stand tall and be all of who and what you are meant to be, you naturally vibrate dynamic energy that has a positive and empowering effect on others. Through your own acts of self-love and self-kindness, you have given yourself the permission to shine with a gentle and loving strength. This is exactly what the world needs right now. You are giving the gift of self-empowerment to everyone you meet. 18-WISDOM GUIDE Wisdom guide is here to help you with taking in new in new information and teachings. Whether you are taking courses, going back to school or learning a new skill or craft—you will find that you are able to process and retain new information more easily. Wisdom Guide also helps you to gain new insights and understandings through the intuitive channels, turning your knowledge into Wisdom. 19-DEEPER LOOK You are opening to a unique perspective. You are now able to see below the surface—to gain a much deeper understanding of what is taking place. This not only applies to your life, but to your understanding of other people as well. You will be able to see the smallest detail and see the energetic pattern of what is occurring. You’ll see the consequences, both positive and negative, of your decisions and where they will lead you. This gives you the ability to offer counsel to others and to lead your own life in the right direction. 20-LOVED ONES Your friends and loved ones who has crossed over want you to know that they are with you. They are wrapping their loving energy around you and ask you to feel peace and serenity within your heart and mind about their passing. They are living and enjoying the other side and deeply desire for you to feel peaceful within this world. They ask that you surrender any painful emotions you are holding on to, and allow their loving presence to flow within your heart—bringing forth peace and serenity. Feel their loving energy and joyfully live the gift of life here on Earth. 21-RECEIVING Energetically, you are beginning to draw in the loving people you need to help you move forward on your path and in your life. These people offer you both emotional and spiritual support-so that you may see and feel your own value in the world. Remember, you have just as much of a positive effect in their lives as they do in yours. While what you have to give is very important, its just as important to allow yourself to receive too. In doing so, you are creating a beautiful energy exchange of growth and support for all. 22-THE GRID This is the Grid, the living energy matrix of Mother earth and the secret pathways to other dimensions and realities of existence. The power of the sacred geometry within holds many keys that your subconscious is unlocking. This card shows your ability to explore and maneuver through other worlds and to bring information back from them. You may do this in the dreamtime, during meditation or even unknowingly while completely conscious and alert. Hidden within this card are messages that only you can retrieve. Sit with this one for a while. 23-INTIMACY The rose is a universal symbol of human love. This card has appeared because this is an important energy for you right now. There are two energy spirals moving into the centre of the rose, which represents two people energetically coming together. If you are not in a relationship, then this card shows a new relationship on the horizon. If you are in a relationship, then this card is asking you to focus your energy there. Rekindle the romance and the passion-embrace the energy of Lover. Open to the intimacy and allow yourself to be vulnerable with your partner. 24-DIVINE FEMININE This card asks you to begin operating more from a feminine flow of energy, whether you are male or female. It asks that you allow your power to flow from within, instead of using force. Be mindful of using a gentle approach to people and situations. The role of nurturer and healer is important for you and these gifts will blossom when you allow them to naturally emanate from you. Focus on your relationships with the people you interact with. You will find that more will be accomplished, while creating peace and harmony for all involved. 25-CELLULAR HEALING Each cell within our body is a unique individual organism and each cell has memory. You have drawn this card because there are changes taking place on a cellular level. The vibrant green energy surrounding the cell in the image denotes healing; either of a physical or energetic nature. If it is on a energetic level, the healing energy moving through you is helping to release old cellular memories that your body is holding. On the physical level, you can expect to feel more energised and renewed as your body returns to its natural state of health. 26-ELEMENTAL This elemental energy is calling you to connect to the mighty and loving life force of the planet. Try gardening, get a house plant, go for a hike, or sit on the grass in a park. Open yourself to the energy of the earth in every activity you do. Feel the pulse of life in the plants, embrace the magic of creation and play within the beauty and bounty that mother earth provides. Give your gratitude and prayer to all that you eat. Creating an intimate connection with Gaia heals the earth and opens you to new levels of energy, connection and communication in a very powerful way. 27- NEW DIRECTION Energetically, your life is ready to move in a new direction, but you have to allow for this to happen. Have you noticed that you do the same things each day-that you’ve fallen into routine? It’s time to break free from the daily patterns you have created in your life. It’s time to be spontaneous. When you do this, you open your energy to the possibilities of something new and revive your passion for living. The energy of the Universe is ready to flow and by consciously breaking free of the routines you have created in your life, you allow space for the new and different to manifest. 28-FREEDOM It’s time to come out of your shell. This shell, which did serve you in the past to provide protection for your tender heart, is no longer needed. This time has come to begin to allow yourself true freedom. This world and you soul both need you to let your light and your heart to shine. Allow the past to be the past and move forward in this present moment. Do this in small steps at first if you need to. Moving away from your protective shell means allowing your true heart to be seen, but it also means allowing others in—on a deeper level than you have been able to allow before. 29-SPEAK YOUR TRUTH It is time to speak your truth. You no longer need to hold back what you have to say for fear of what others may think, You are beings asked to speak up and share your feelings, your wisdom and whatever is on your mind. When you have something to say, yet hold your words back through fear, you create a blockage in your energy and life. Speak up. What you have to say is important and worth being heard. If you are a public speaker or have a desire to speak publically, this card encourages you to use your voice and claim your power. 30-EXPANSION It is time to share yourself on a much larger scale. The expansion card is about your connection to large groups of people, whether it is to offer yourself in service through community events, volunteer work, workshops or healing groups, speaking, or publishing your writing. Its about sharing your gifts and talents in a way that serves many, on a more public scale. In doing so, your energy reaches far and wide, having a meaningful and powerful effect on all those whose lives you touch. Now is the time to really put yourself out there, so take a deep breath, trust the process and open wide! 31-AWAKENING This is a powerful card. You are now entering into a complete awakening: to your higher-self, your intuition, your gifts, your role on the planet and the divine plan. The opening of your heart-center is allowing your inner vision to see more clearly. In turn, this is empowering you on many levels, both energetically and intuitively, to walk your path and do what you have come here to do. Your awakening will subconsciously call out to others to step into their own light as well. 32-NECTAR OF LIFE You work so hard, and you are definitely to be commended for your efforts . This card is asking you to slow down a little and enjoy the simple things in life. Spend some quality time with family and friends. Take time to embrace life and do some of the things you honestly enjoy. Focus your energy on activities and things that bring you true pleasure. Taste the sweetness of life. Feel empowered to pollinate and fertilise your dreams. 33-LION GUIDE Lion Guide is here to help you awaken the sleeping lion that lies within you. Your inner lion is powerful, resourceful and mighty. You really do hold the strength and courage to do whatever needs to be done. It is time to let the world hear you roar! Lion Guide is here to help you realize that you do rule your inner and outer worlds and to energetically claim your throne as the rightful ruler of your kingdom. Once you do so, you will step into your role as a leader with ease. 34-REFLECTIONS There is a great beauty in all of our life experiences. Although you feel sad and down at times, Spirit is reminding you that this is what can facilitate your greatest growth and evolution, both as a soul and as a human being. You are truly being watched over at this time. Don’t fear the darkness within. Remember, without the darkness there can be no light. This is the time for quiet reflection and inner exploration. Through it, you will discover your Light and know what needs to be changes so that you may live a more authentic life. 35-CELEBRATION It is time to take off your work hat and let your hair down. It’s time to go have fun! Sing, dance, play and be wild—really let yourself loose. Let go of the stresses of your daily life for just a little while and get out and enjoy yourself life you used to before you grew-up. Your heart needs this, your mind needs this, and most importantly, your spirit needs this. Get out there and celebrate life, celebrate pleasure and celebrate being YOU! 36-SELF-TALK This is a high energy card and it is directly related to how you are treating yourself! Note how the teeth inside the mouth point inward in the image. Your guides are telling you that its time to work on being kinder to yourself. It is important that you become aware of your self-judgments and inner dialog. Its time to start consciously talking to yourself as if you were your best friend—using kindness and compassion. You do this for others, now it is time to do it for yourself. 37-BLOSSOMING Even simply questioning your life or trying to figure out where and how to move forward-moves your energy and aids in opening you to your higher awareness and Divine purpose. Continue with this. Don’t let your human mind, with its limited point of view, tell you that you’re stuck or not progressing. It isn’t true. You are opening, you are flowing and your soul is blossoming! Keep your faith, in both yourself and spirit. Know that you are on the perfect path and that you are opening to your highest potential-one step at a time. 38-GENTLE RELEASE The presence of Archangel Michael is here to assist you with clearing your energy field of old hurts and past experiences that are weighing you down and slowing your progress in life. He is here to help you cut the cords that keep your energetically attached to people and events that no longer serve you in a positive way. Michael always performs his duties with love and asks you to consciously send love to those people and things in your past so that you may release them into the light and move forward with your life. 39-RESOLUTION Life is like a puzzle and we put the pieces together in a way that fits for us. Until now, your puzzle hasn’t seemed to fit together in a way that has made sense. What seems out of harmony, will begin to feel balanced. Even though some things feel like they just won’t work, shifts and adjustments are happening now. You will find that things will start to fall into place and that everything will fit together perfectly in your life. 40-OM The meaning of this card is two-fold. Firstly, it is calling for more time in meditation and prayer. Energetically you are needing some time alone with yourself, in your inner-space. Through meditation you are able to connect more deeply with your higher self and your guides. Energetically, this is vital for you. Secondly, this card calls you to focus on the power of your voice to facilitate the opening of your throat chakra. This vocal expression, whether through chant, prayer or even singing, is important for you right now. 41-CREATIVE You are fully aligned with the powerful light of the Source energy and loving harmony of Mother earth. Your creative energy is centred and flowing. It is time now to embrace this energy. Perhaps you are an artist, a writer, a speaker, a dancer, a healer, a musician or whatever. Dedicate time each day to using your creative force in a way that brings you joy. Keep yourself grounded and connected through meditation. When you are aligned with source and mother earth, your creative juices flow in abundance. 42-LIGHT BODY GUIDE Lately you may have noticed some strange things happening within you. Your light body is moving into a higher vibration and as this shift occurs, you may not feel like your normal self. This guide has come to let you know that being absent minded, forgetful, unclear in your thinking, or feeling heart palpitations and other strange sensations, is perfectly normal right during this time. Light body guide encourages you to drink lots of water, and get plenty of rest. The butterfly over his heart is a symbol for you to contemplate. He is here to reassure you that you’ll be back to feeling normal very soon. 43-EARTH ANGEL You truly are an earth angel. It is time to recognise and honor the beautiful spirit that you are! Once we are incarnated, we forget who and what we truly are. Now is your time to remember. Claim your wings, knowing you really do make a difference in the lives that you touch. You have many loving angelic beings with you to support you on your divine path. Feel safe in allowing yourself to follow the path that you are guided to walk. Whatever that path may be, you are ready to spread your wings and fly! 44-DIVINE GUIDANCE Beautiful soul—you play a very important role in the awakening of the planet. Your light is so needed here. You are always wrapped in the loving embrace of the Divine. It is in those times, when your tears may fall or when you feel most alone, that your angels and guides are with you the most, shining their light and love on you. Not for one moment should you doubt this. You—special soul—are being lovingly guided and supported on your path. Divine Guidance is leading you gently. Look for the signs, feel the love and know that you are supported always.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 08:04:18 +0000

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