HUMAN & DIVINE TRIUMVIRATES: IN THE PERIOD OF THE LATE REPUBLIC, Rome was ruled by the Senate & among the senators were some who were primi inter pares - first among equals. Two magistrates were chosen who were called consuls. Commanding huge armies, they held supreme military powers. At times, another leader was added, & the three men shared the responsibility of command. They were the TRIUMVIRS, from the Latin tresviri, meaning THREE MEN. The triumvirs (Licinius Crassus, Pompeius Magnus, & Julius Caesar in 50 BC; Marcus Antonius, Marcus Octavius, & Marcus Lepidus in 31 BC) fought for supremacy among themselves & this resulted in civil conflicts. The triumvirate failed as a political power because of the rivalry among the members, their friends & supporters. Foremost in their agenda was not the good of the Republic, but the power over Rome & her territories. Civil wars were fought till only one of the three survived. The triumvirate ended with the Republic turning into an Empire with only one supreme ruler - the EMPEROR. AS A CHRISTIAN, WE HONOR A TRIUMVIRATE: THE RELATIONSHIP OF THREE DIVINE PERSONS - THE FATHER, THE SON, & THE HOLY SPIRIT - IN ONE GODHEAD. CHRISTIANITY AROSE IN THE MATRIX OF ISRAELS STRICT MONOTHEISM: THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD WHO MUST BE LOVED & WORSHIPPED. BUT CHRISTANS UNDERSTAND THAT WHEN ONE HAS ENCOUNTERED GOD, ONE CAN NO LONGER SEE GOD IN ISOLATION, BUT AS ONE WHO ACTS, AS ONE WHO SEEKS OUT HUMAN BEINGS, AS ONE WHO COMMUNICATES. GOD IS ONE BUT IS NOT SOLITARY. GOD IS FATHER WHO CREATED THE WORLD, WITH MAN & WOMAN AS THE CROWN OF CREATION. WHEN HUMANITY FALLS, THE FATHER SENDS HIS SON WHO BECOMES INCARNATE AS JESUS OF NAZARETH. GOD ALSO SENDS THE HOLY SPIRIT UPON JESUS, & IN HIS RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD, SENDS THE SPIRIT, LORD & GIVER OF LIFE, ON THE BELIEVERS. (365 Days with Lord, St. Pauls) To be continued...
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:50:06 +0000

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