Had some time to kill before choir practice tonight, so I drove - TopicsExpress


Had some time to kill before choir practice tonight, so I drove down old childhood streets. Saw houses of kids I grew up with, saw the house I grew up in. Then it all came back like a flood: the hill I would race down and thought I was probably doing a hundred miles an hour and being brave enough to let go of the handle bars and close my eyes, riding to the top of that hill to look far away and see the "city" lights wondering if I would ever get to go there, imagining the little girl that would "pop a wheelie" riding her pink bike with the banana seat, the little girl that played outside all summer, barefoot, probably not taking a bath but once a week, having pop bottle rocket fights, playing with friends until night fall, laying outside and looking at the stars, feeling the heat of a summer day and running thru the water sprinkler, hearing the crickets, chasing horny toads, walking thru the woods wondering if that was the day the "witch lady" that lived in the woods would eat me, feeling the warm rain come down in the middle of August then go jump in the mud puddles, lay in the cool grass in the back yard hoping to not step on a bumble bee, finding a four leaf clover, pulling the honey from a honeysuckle and putting it on my tongue - knowing this is what summer tastes like, riding Bus 14 to school, walking to the railroad tracks trying to sneak a peek at a hobo, putting pennies on that same railroad track so the train would flatten it, every night before going to bed looking in the closet and under the bed knowing a monster was there. Life tends to scare that little girl into hiding, telling her she does not exist any longer. I have missed her so much. Tonight, she reminded me she is still there and she still wants to jump in mud puddles, and listen to crickets, and feel the heat of summer, and ride her bike down a steep hill. She reminded me she has never left and she wants to come home. I so love that little girl. Welcome home my old friend, and thank you for reminding me I will always be a little girl at heart.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 01:59:03 +0000

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