Happy All Saints Day everyone! The holiday that not even devote - TopicsExpress


Happy All Saints Day everyone! The holiday that not even devote Christians remember even existed. While I was at school yesterday, My sociology teacher handed out a bag of sweets that some students took from, or did not. I have noticed a couple of students dressed in their Halloween costumes. I was among the people that did not dress up. I dont know if they dressed up just because of if there was a costume contest going on at school. I dont usually check the memos. I also have not dressed for Halloween for three-to-four years and I have always been indecisive on what Ill be dressing up as. Once again, Nobody had ever showed up at my house to take any of the fun-sized (The marketers way of saying, Small-sized) sweets we bought. This is partially because we live in a quiet neighberhood, and mostly because most of the parents within the vicinity of our suburb has taken their children to go trick or treating at the local school. I kind of guessed that the parents are paranoid of any potential Pedos, but dad theorized its because they believe in the urban legend that there are people that hide razor blades inside apples. I kind of disagree with him because who in gods name would hide razor blades inside apples and get away with it, let alone attempt to give away apples! Aside form the various oddities of the day, I had just a regular day with a ton of peanut candies in a basket. I never had anybody show up at my house to take any sweets, even before the economy crumbled, mostly because I used to not actually live in an actual neighberhood. More like a nasty lonely corner of the street that is guaranteed to eat your legs if you dont look both ways. Which also sucked because the mailbox was located across the street, thus making it a deadly game of wits just to cross the street and get the mail. I can only have a faint memory of the time when I went trick or treating with friends, but I did remember that one time when we drove through halloweentwon. That was not the name of the town, but it was the nickname I like to give it because it fitted the ideal image of Halloween: Children dressed in costumes, walking around carrying pumpkin buckets in a vintage old-timely neighborhood decorated with pumpkins, and decor that resembles skulls, bats, ghosts, pumpkins, and other things that had to do with Halloween...orange and black streamers...sigh...
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:19:00 +0000

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