Have you ever asked the question of how a product has born? who - TopicsExpress


Have you ever asked the question of how a product has born? who invented an object? and how the idea came about? Im just thinking about the MICROWAVE, a diabolical machine, in the sense that it will kill you .. and in fact ... MICROWAVE: Microwave cooking process was patented in 1946 by Raytheon, and a year later he was the first product to be marketed oven. The man who made this discovery was called * Who invented it? * Percy Spencer an employee of the U.S. company. He was using the magnetron to make the radar and saw, quite by chance, that with the radar on a chocolate bar that had had melted. The man, with assets already 120 patents, immediately realized the extent of his discovery and began experimenting with cooking before the popcorn, then an egg, which exploded. The first commercial oven called Radarange and was a beast almost 2 meters high for almost 350 pounds, capable of producing 3,000 watts of power. * How does this work? * While in traditional ovens heat passes from the outside towards the inside of the food, in those microwave takes the opposite process. The microwaves bombard the food inside, at the cellular level, by changing the polarity of the molecules at a frequency of about 100 million times per second. This movement causes a friction between the cells that causes the heat that warms up the food. Unfortunately this violent force deforms and damages the structure of the molecules. It is no longer food, it has retained only the outward form. * Who says you can hurt your health? * The Russians, who performed a very serious research on the biological effects, declared outlaw these devices at the same time informing the international community of biological and environmental risks that may arise from the use of these ovens. The energy carried by the wave, in fact, warmed (and cooked) foods, stirring up the molecules (especially water) contained within the food. The heating in microwave ovens causes the loss of vitamins and in the case of breast milk are destroyed some of its protective properties. * The case Hertel - Switzerland. * As Im sure you may have guessed, even stay for a few minutes next to a microwave oven can be extremely dangerous. We know that the cells explode inside the kiln, try to fry an egg. We are made up of billions of cells, imagine how many might be affected by the proximity to the oven for 5-10 minutes. Brief account of the published studies carried out in Russia and the Atlantis Raising Educational Center in Portland, Oregon. In almost all foods tested were found carcinogenic compounds. The exposure times to microwave food were not greater than those necessary for the purposes chosen, ie cooking, defrosting or heating. In the microwave: • in the form of heated meat-nitrosodientanolamine, known to be carcinogenic. Moreover also occurs a degradation of the proteins, • milk and cereal transform some of their amino acids into carcinogens, • Even very short exposure of raw vegetables, cooked or frozen transform them into carcinogenic alkaloids, • thawing of fruit transforms the content of glucosides and galactosides into carcinogenic substances, • formation of cancer-causing free radicals in vegetables, especially the roots (beets, turnips, etc..) • decrease in the nutritional value of 60-90% in all foods tested; decrease the bioavailability of vitamin B complex, C and E, essential minerals and lipotropics factors (substances that are capable of modifying the metabolism of fats). It is surprising to note that until now have been very few scientific studies conducted on the effects of microwaves on food, considering the gradual spread of these devices. Sometime I think that I am not registered ;) I have some intuition that scare me alone that with a little research and approfonimento are true
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:52:50 +0000

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