Here Are the 6 Words Liberals say Are the “New - TopicsExpress


Here Are the 6 Words Liberals say Are the “New N-Words” Friday, November 14th, 2014 Do you believe in cutting taxes? Do you think law and order is a good thing? Do you support the Tenth Amendment’s clause delegating rights to the individual states? You filthy, despicable racist! Yes, according to Atlanta Blackstar, the poor man’s Upworthy (is “poor man’s” racist, too?), those are a few of the six terms that are apparently the “new n-word.” Consider yourself informed. [H/T The Comical Conservative.] Here is the official list: •Thug •Urban/Inner city •State’s rights •Welfare and food stamps •Law and order •Cut taxes Boy, that’s sure some racially-insensitive language right there. You know, unlike “cracker,” which according to Rep. Charlie Rangel is a “term of endearment.” Let’s look over each one of the “new n-words.” • Thug. While “thug” can theoretically be racist if used across the board, it’s worth pointing out that the word has been embraced by elements within the hip-hop and wider African-American community. In other words, many of them WANT to be seen as thugs. It’s literally the goal. Here’s a little experiment you can run: open up iTunes. Go to the iTunes store. Do a search on the word “thug.” While you’re at it, go to Amazon and do the same thing. Look at the first 10, 20, even 50 items that come up. Who is the intended demographic for them? Here’s a hint: not members of the White Citizens Council. These are actual products targeting people who intentionally want to take part in a “thug culture.” It’s not racist for us to acknowledge this occurrence. That’s ludicrous. • Urban/Inner city. Urban/Inner city is apparently racist because, “The Black community is often referred to as urban or inner city when people are uncomfortable talking about Black people or where they live.” I don’t really remember the n-word being used as a location or a cardinal direction of any sort. Unless I’m mistaken, “urban” is more or less demographically accurate when talking about where African-Americans are most statistically-prevalent, but I suppose reality has a clear-cut racial bias. • State’s rights. On to #3! “During the Civil Rights Movement, politicians used racially coded appeals and words such as ‘state’s rights’ to try and capitalize on the racial anxiety during that time.” Yes, politicians would say that – back in 1965, and if your name was something like George Wallace or Orville Faubus. Unless you’re posting this meme from that era, using ARPANET and a computer that’s operated by punch-cards, the Tenth Amendment isn’t racist in any way, shape or form. Thanks for the attempt, though! • Welfare and food stamps. Welfare and food stamps is racist because, “When Newt Gingrich called Obama “the food stamp” president, everyone knew what word he really was using.” Yes, I do. He was using the words “food stamp president.” Apparently, pointing out the exponential growth of entitlements under President Obama – for all races – is somehow code for the n-word. Who knew? • Law and order. And then there’s “law and order:” “During the Civil Rights Movement, the opposition said that ‘Law and Order’ was needed to handle the racial tension and civil rights protests. In other words, we need to control the Blacks.” I reiterate: if you are posting this from a MacBook while listening to Katy Perry MP3s, as opposed to a time-sharing mainframe with Highway 61 Revisited on the turntable, the utterances of sclerotic Dixiecrats are in no way relevant. Even then, law and order aren’t the problem… criminals and crime culture are. • Cutting taxes. Finally: “cutting taxes!” “Making the poor and people of color sound more threatening, cutting taxes has long been racial code for not using tax payer money to help Black and brown people.” Translation: give us your money, you bigot. I’m just going to call for summary judgment on this one, as nothing I could say would make that statement look any more wrong or unintentionally funny. There you have it, folks. The six new n-words. Further dispatches on newly-offensive everyday language will be available from the office of Attorney General Emeritus Eric Holder for a compulsory fee of $10 (free for minorities). And remember, if you don’t want to pay Holder, that’s just racial code for not using your money to help black and brown people.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:33:50 +0000

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