Here is an amazing testimony if you suffer from pain or - TopicsExpress


Here is an amazing testimony if you suffer from pain or osteoarthritis: I am writing to you at the request of our mutual friend, *****. She thought that perhaps my story might be of some encouragement to you. I am nearing 60 and have had osteoarthritis since I was 14 after a riding accident. I was thrown onto ground that had been frozen solid for three weeks so it was like hitting concrete and was away at private school and got no medical attention, so as a result of the injuries, I developed osteoarthritis in my right hip and knee. Also the right thigh bone dislocated just enough to be able to fully rotate within the knee and hip sockets, pulling the blood vessels and muscles all over as it rotated at will. Despite this, I was able to lead a fairly active although pain dominated life. I determined early on that I would not become enslaved to pain medication, but I still have to renew that commitment every day. 20 years ago my husband and I moved to a gated community with a pool and a few years after that I began to teach water fitness, developing a very vigorous program and at the height of it was teaching 7 classes a week over a 4 day period. I also began working out at Curves and loved it. Curves became my second home and I was often there two or even three times a day, exercising and loving it. I had always battled being overweight, and was even losing weight and was determined to be better at 60 than I was at 40. Then my world changed overnight as I awakened in August of 2010 and could barely walk, I had such intense groin pain. Literally I could only move by inches. I thought I had pulled a groin muscle in all of my exercise, so I pushed on, but exercised more moderately. The pain never diminished, so I thought I would just finish my season at the pool at the end of September and perhaps that would give me enough rest to heal. The healing did not happen so I began to exercise less and less at Curves and by the spring of 2011, I was not exercising at all, had regained all of the weight I had worked so hard to lose and I could barely walk due to pain. I went for all the medical tests and discovered that my good intentions with exercise has destroyed my lower spine because my bones were very dessicated due to the arthritis there. So, the nerve bundle going up inside of my spinal column is now being squeezed as the spinal column seeks to build itself up from the inside, leaving no room for the nerves to rest there comfortably. I also now have several bulging discs that press on the nerves and the main relentless pain (which started in the groin) is the sciatic. Every time I press my right foot to the ground, I think my life is about to end, it hurts so much. I sleep in a recliner because I cannot lie in a bed. I walk with a cane or a walker. Sitting is unbearable. Some days, if I can get my socks on, that is a full days work. And of course with all of this, the arthritis has gotten so much worse. I say all of this to tell you: I know pain. I know it from the inside out and I have known it for nearly 46 years. About two months ago, I discovered doTERRA essential oils. I bought a few and was dubious at first. I have discovered that with regular use (and by that I mean every few hours, day and night), my pain levels have diminished considerably. I have had to learn to use a variety of them and be open to the best techniques for applying them. I also use do TERRA essential oils (Citrus Bliss, Wild Orange, Grapefruit)to help overcome depression and feelings of hopelessness. Some days the use of doTERRA means the difference between functioning and not functioning. Am I pain free? No. Do I take pain meds every now and then? Yes. But I am taking them less and using the oils more. *****, **** tells me that you have pain issues so I hope you will do more than get a few samples, those will not help you enough. You need to take this on full blast and learn what oils can really help you (and sometimes you have to experiment, I find that Wintergreen, Cypress, Deep Blue and the AromaTouch Therapy work best for me), you have to learn how and when to apply them, and you need to be diligent to apply and reapply throughout the day if you want to see results. I believe you will see results. I did. Do what you can to take back your life, ****! I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing good things about how your life is improving as you allow **** to teach you about what doTERRA has to offer.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 20:31:09 +0000

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