Here is chapter four, will have more ACTION next chapter. Anyways - TopicsExpress


Here is chapter four, will have more ACTION next chapter. Anyways enjoy folks! Chapter Four: “Deployment” Year: 2540 Our year at the ONI facility passed by quickly after we were told of our deployment, and we sat out for Arcadia on the specified date. We were assigned to the UNSC Omaha for the duration of the Op and were under the command of ship captain Admiral Morenci. He was the best commander we went through so far, that meaning he was easy going, easy to get along with and knew our importance. Of course our first one was a veteran SPARTAN and our next was a older ONI official so they knew what we really were. The first battalions of S-IIIs were being deployed this year, in accordance with their training regiments. Making them both angrier and more resilient to pain, but also they didn’t lose their humanity. This was only a statement issued officially though in retort to a statement by other Oni officials on the mind set of active S-IIs. We learned a lot in the past year, both some interesting and some kind of bone chilling things. After a little while in slip space, spent in Cryo sleep we finally reached Arcadia, and we all looked out the ships massive hangar bays to see the Earth like planet in the distance. It was one of the first planets to be colonized by the UNSC for good reason, along with reach it was within 90% similar to Earth in every way. So little work had to be done in Atmosphere creation like on Luna and Mars. The covenant had glassed small portions of the planet back in 2531 when they first attacked the planet, but it was no where near as bad as some other places. “This is Admiral Morenci, the Omaha will be docking with orbital station Zulu within the area, SPARTAN team Nomad, you will disembark for briefing at that time, out” The Admiral finished his announcement and we headed up for the docking tubes to exit onto the station. We would probably be sent on some recon of the glassed areas, or assigned to guard the station knowing the officials. But well we did as ordered, even if the orders were unexciting or not fit for a SPARTAN. Once aboard the facility we heard a lot of news bulletins about recent Covenant victories with Human victories being few and scattered apart. We were basically fighting a Guerrilla war across the galaxy against the covies, and were losing. Recently, New Constantinople, Kholo, and Leonis Minoris were lost to the Covenant, along with all of Alpha company of the III program. That was 300 soldiers, there were only around 30 IIs left, and already 300 IIIs were dead just in one battle. I never really voiced it but I had doubts about this war, I would keep fighting of course because I had no other choice, but we were fighting a losing battle. While on the station we were interviewed by a independent research group, to compare our mentality to that of the other S-IIs. It was kind of awkward for us to be asked all these kind of personal questions both on how we felt about all sorts of things and each other.. The interviewers asked some weird questions, more personal then really about the program itself. They finally got to me, which I was honestly dreading happening, but new it was coming. “So Sierra 237 correct?” “Yes sir.” “Born in 2523?” “Yes.” “Alright, and you are the second youngest?” “Yes sir, don’t turn 17 for another month” “Well can you answer for me why they field SPARTANS so young?” “No I can’t. Not a true answer, I can however give you my thoughts though.” “By all means go ahead.” “I do believe that we are fielded at such young ages because ONI wishes to get as much service as they can out of us, or they do it because of their contracts with the UNSC that we will be pushed into service as soon as we are able.” “Well that seems likely to us 237, but again this was only a psyche evaluation, thank you for your cooperation.” I was freed to leave after this interview, it was short, and ended after they asked the question about ONIs motives. I guess whoever this independent organization is was investigating ONI. Wasn’t my problem really, only thing that mattered now was fighting the covies. But like all things that would probably be next deployment unless we were attacked here or called elsewhere. I left the room and ran into Darren coming out of the mess hall heading back for the bunks. “So you just get done getting interviewed by that big wig?” “Yeah man, only thing he asked was why ONI fielded us so young.” “Same here, just told him I didn’t know why. Seemed frustrated.” “I gave him my own opinion on it, but still seemed frustrated. Guess he doesn’t like not getting all the answers.” “Who does?” “Good point.” We headed into the bunks where everyone else had started a poker game, betting this weeks credit pool for the team. We all still got a share, but it felt good to have that many in your hands for awhile. I put my head on a pillow after checking the time, and UNSC new bulletins and shut my eyes. Must have dozed off for a few hours when I was shook awake by Frankie. “Hey Travis, wake up, word just came down. Omaha is going to be the spearhead in a search and rescue op on the X-79 asteroid facility, we’ll be deployed to rescue the scientist team there. Finally some action!” I jumped up and grabbed my duffel bag and headed for the docking tube. We all got to the ship and headed for the armor equipping station. We would be suited up and on a pelican before we exited slip space. This would be our first taste of action, we couldn’t mess this up.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 02:06:33 +0000

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