Hey everyone! Ive been meaning to address this issue here for some - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone! Ive been meaning to address this issue here for some time, but Ive been busy with having just wrapped Oxenfree and having taken Efficiency to the Austin Film Festival. The burning question on everyones minds is, When (if ever) will the next Joker Blogs episode come out? First and foremost, I want to make it clear that I am not a creator of The Joker Blogs. Ive never written, directed, or produced a single episode, nor do I have a hand in when episodes are released, how they are edited, or anything at all beyond simply being an actor in the series. Im not sure how people came to think otherwise, but I can assure you, my involvement with this show doesnt go beyond my role as Dr. Arkham. This means that my work on series two was finished after principle photography of my character wrapped in March of 2013. Normally, Id prefer to leave questions like this to be addressed by the creators themselves, but because of the misconception that I am a creator (which Im not), Ive recently come under fire for the inexcusably long delays between episodes and have even been accused of living off of fan money. Neither accusation could be further from the truth, so I wanted to take this opportunity to put that to bed. I dont control the budget any more than Martin Freeman controls the budget of Sherlock, therefore the only pockets my hands are in are my own. As long as were on the topic, I can assure you that NOBODY is living off of fan money. All the money raised for TJB is being used solely for the making of TJB. With all the above information in mind, you know by now that I have no control over when episodes get released. Quite frankly, I dont even know when the next one will be out. However, I will share with you what I do know: contrary to fears, speculations and rumors, The Joker Blogs is not dead. Every episode will be released in time, and you will see the series brought to completion. The show has not been abandoned. With that said, I understand your collective frustration. Im excited to see the next episodes too and am awaiting them with just as much anticipation as you. There is always a reason for why this gets delayed, or why that gets delayed, but at this point, the reasons dont matter. The fact of the matter is, its taking too long and you want to see it, which is totally fair. The opportunity for all of us to entertain you is an honor and a privilege. Without you, the show wouldnt even be here. Im grateful for all of you and I know everyone else is too. You all deserve to see the show finished and you will. I dont know how much longer it will take, but I hope the end of your wait will come sooner rather than later. Please know that Scott and DeVary are working very hard to make sure series two gets completed. Theyve done a great job so far. I know that they will deliver and I know that you will not be disappointed. In the meantime, be patient and know that you will see the episodes youve all been waiting for. Spread the word. Thank you for your continued support and patience. You all mean the world to us.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:28:12 +0000

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