Humanity Moving Beyond Money ... The concept of money is based - TopicsExpress


Humanity Moving Beyond Money ... The concept of money is based on separate egos competing against each other. Resetting the money game will not change the results. As I see it, what will improve the quality of life for everyone on this planet is a Resource Based Economy. Its based on the sense that We Are One. Keeping on with the belief that money is the best way to conduct human endeavors just keeps projecting the oppressive banker-controlled money system into the future. At least start toying with the idea that everything can be based on giving and receiving rather than selling and buying. That doesnt mean primitive. An RBE works best in a high tech environment. Imagine a kind of Google or Ebay where everything listed is free. As a footnote, a preliminary direction would be to pass legislation to get money out of politics, That would push out the oligarchy that has taken over much of the governments of the world. Google resource based economy for more info.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 18:17:35 +0000

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