I currently have a bench warrant for two assault with bodily - TopicsExpress


I currently have a bench warrant for two assault with bodily injury charges. I did not commit these offenses yet I was arrested simple by the word of my of my accuser. I am being accused by the police of hurting a man as well as a woman. Not in a million years would I hurt anyone unless it was self defense much less a woman. I do not think my accusers stated to the police that I caused any kind of harm as there are different levels of assault. So it is my belief the police officers with the Denton police department decided to pin these charges on me without any questioning or investigation. The male accuser, Stephen of Banter Coffee, the one who spoke to police assured me that he would have a conversation with police and have the situation resolved...the charges dropped. I left the state and now have a new residence because I thought that was indeed going to happen. My lawyer is currently working with prosecution reguarding my case but this is hampering my travel and business plans...never have a planned to return to Texas unless it is to visit family briefly. It is my understanding that police officers cant just make up charges on you or arrest you because of what someone told them. This is not my first displeasure with this police department. I spent 6 weeks in jail without a television because of this charge after spending about the same amount of time in jail for a trespassing conviction I was not guilty of. The police officer fabricated a complaint against me by the 711. He did not give me my trespassing paperwork and prompts a reason to arrest me by saying what youre not going anywhere. I say no because I had not recieved my tresspass warrant. Again none of the 711 employees called or made a complaint against me. My issue is the two assault charges though. I motioned as if I was going to hit the lasy because I was being stocked by them and I merely touched the guy with my cane on the shoulder with no force. Yet I have to worry about resolving the case and had to spend 6 weeks in jail, solitary confinement without a television. I am very displeased with this police department I have been arrested a few times for public intoxication....one time for walking home, again I am cripple with a cane suffering from a condition that puts people in wheel chairs away from the public and I am charged with a public intoxication, almost as nice as the time I was arrested for sleeping in my car in a parking lot because I did not realize I had consumed double mixed drinks. On another occasion I reported my car stolen, the police did nothing even after contacting internal affairs. I am a proud uUnited States veteran and I pride the freedom I fought for, it has been taken from me unjustly too many times by this police department. I am concidering a lawsuite against the police department if I have to return to Texas because I do not believe the woman would ever claim I assaulted her...no confirmation was even recieved from her at the time of the arrest. Jeff Blaze
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:11:23 +0000

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