I just picked up some blue star Hanukkah cookies and bacon. Im - TopicsExpress


I just picked up some blue star Hanukkah cookies and bacon. Im officially ready. Except for wrapping presents. It is with a great sense of accomplishment and pride, that I tell the world, I prepared for Christmas without ever leaving the house. Thank you, internet! Last night, I realized I was short on stocking stuffers, so I decided that whatever else was needed, would have to be found on my weekly trip to Whole Foods. So the kids are getting some soap, deodorant, and Hanukkah cookies in their stockings. Its the thought that counts. They had Christmas cookies too, but I thought it would be nice to experience the local culture, through the wonder of baked goods. Mainly, I thought it would be funny, and make the kids suggest that I receive mental health care. But I already do, so the jokes on them. I was planning to cook a ham on Christmas Day, but they were completely out of them! So the kids get their way, and were having another stupid turkey. To make matters worse, as we passed the big chalkboard on the way out, for once, I actually couldnt think of anything to write on it. Its for customers to list products theyd like to see the Cherry Hill Whole Foods carry. Steve says its embarrassing when I take up half of the board. He jokingly suggested I write something obnoxious that youd never find on the shelves of a WF. But before he could finish saying it would be disturbing if people saw me writing it, I grabbed the chalk and wrote Froot Loops, and ran like the wind! I told Steve that next week, Im going to write Kool Aid. I drew a winky face, so that will be my signature for future artificially colored/high fructose corn-syruppy food suggestion pranks. Steve warned that someday, Ill be banned. I dont know why I never grew up. Noahs not very happy with me because Ive made him believe that I didnt remember the main thing he wanted for Christmas. We told him it would be okay because his Xbox 365 is just as good as the newer Xbox One. He says we understand nothing. I asked him why Im the one to blame, and not Dad as well. He said, Dads in charge of putting lights on the tree, and YOU are in charge of everything that goes under the tree. Haha! He acts like game systems grow on trees. Or under them. Were still waiting on the latest engraftment number on Noah. They originally had hoped to put Noah back on his chemo drug today, but its just killing his blood too much. In just 24 hours after it was stopped, his platelets nearly tripled. Today, however, theyd taken another huge dip, so he had to have a platelet transfusion. Theyre not surprised by anything theyre seeing, and someone even mentioned to Steve that it was actually great that his blood held up as well as it did for so long. The good news is, Noah is feeling better and is eating everything in sight! And now hell hopefully feel well for Christmas this year. Just think, Noah has been on chemo for 14 months, except for that little break right after transplant. Can you imagine? Today Noah noticed that the mickey (tube that connects to his feeding tube) was stained lime green. Steve said he should keep that hidden from the CHOP people because it was going to be very obvious to them that Ive been putting unusual things in there. lol Tonight, we FINALLY got to drive over to Bensalem, PA to the nearest Texas Roadhouse. It was to celebrate our 10-day-ago birthdays, Elizabeths presence, and Noahs functioning stomach. Unfortunately, Noah had a fever while we were there so he didnt enjoy the experience very much. And it turns out that Tuesday nights are kids night so we were dodging germs. Thankfully, we were there early, and were able to keep Noah pretty isolated, and the fever was not considered an emergency since the cause is known (rhinovirus). The server checked with us to make sure it was okay for us to eat bacon. I cant figure out why we look so Jewish to people. I say that, having just bought Hanukkah cookies. All the way home from Bensalem, we all argued about the temperature in the truck. Steve turned the heat on, and Elizabeth and I rolled our windows down. Steve said I should go to Facebook and take a poll. When youre on a PA interstate, and its 48 degrees outside, and its Christmas Eve-Eve, and its rainy, is it normal to turn on heat, or roll down windows? To be fair, we wouldnt have rolled down the windows if hed left the heat off. Elizabeth and I get along very well in a car, in the Winter. We do use seat warmers because all you really need is warm and toasty buttocks. I hope all of you will have a very Merry Christmas! Even if all of your gifts are just terrible (as Elizabeth pointed out regarding her experience last year, because they were mostly things for college, which was still nearly a year away), remember the reason for the season is the greatest gift of all, Jesus, our Savior. (Ill admit, the leukemia had me off my A game last year) Come to think of it, I really should just give my kids lumps of coal for these attitudes. Then I wouldnt have to wrap all these gifts. Luke 2:10-11 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 05:55:42 +0000

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