I learned new things this weekend. I learned that the political - TopicsExpress


I learned new things this weekend. I learned that the political world is oh so much more complicated than I ever dreamed. I was also reaffirmed that money talks and bullshit, well, bullshit doesnt really mean as much as you think unless youre in front of a camera or a microphone. There are a lot more folks who have your best interests at heart than you think, too. Coming from ME, you guys should wonder HOW and WHAT KIND of impact was created. I saw people trying to work through issues that impacted them personally while dealing with issues that had a much bigger scope. I saw people open their minds when I never really dreamed they would. Im beginning to think that a lot of the bad that we see may be part media and a LOT to do with a few who think they are privileged because they are influenced by the almighty dollar. (which comes from a privileged elite) . My Union Brothers and Sisters made me proud. They are stepping up and even the older ones are opening up to the idea of dissolving PARTY lines and determining the representatives who will agree and support the issues we hold dear. I cannot stress enough that when I entered this endeavor, I held hope but also a separate fear of failure. There are issues going on in my beloved state that will impact workers for many years to come, such as the so-called right to work and repealing prevailing wage. At the urging of those at the top and some words from me and others like me, they are BEGINNING to understand that politics as usual WONT cut it anymore and that we will all have to begin to sort the good ones from the bad, calling out those who arent doing what theyre constituents want. I know this isnt the usual political rant from me and it may not be what you wanted to hear but its what I saw. I suppose what I want to say is that I used my WORDS for something that I see as important and , for the life of me, I saw them make a POSITIVE impact. Im quite new at putting my money where my mouth is, but I actually opened peoples minds, I caused them to question established ideals that werent working and I saw my ideas begin to WORK. My friends, all the years youve listened to me may be paying off. Please dont think Im patting myself on the back- others there used their voices and got the message out as well. It simply amazed me (for lack of a better term) that what I had envisioned in my head was actually working. Well see what lies ahead, maybe this was only a fleeting victory. My next step is engaging the politicians I have long berated from afar. I am scheduling meetings now with legislators from both sides of the aisle and man, I HOPE that my words do not fall on deaf ears. Wish me luck because if I cant hold my own at the next level, theres NO reason for me to run for a higher office later on and I dont think it would be right to continue complaining on here. BUUUUUT....knowing my social media track record..... LOL- I suppose Im just too dumb and stubborn to quit- NIGHT ALL!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 01:44:08 +0000

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