I quit high school. I went on, got my GED, got my Associate - TopicsExpress


I quit high school. I went on, got my GED, got my Associate Degree, and then got my Bachelors in Science and became a certified and licensed Medical Laboratory Scientist! Now I have well over $100,000 in debt, a broke down truck, a tiny tiny apartment, ok-but not great medical, no dental, no vision, I struggle to buy groceries on the weeks my loans are due or my truck needs work again. If I need new work pants or shoes I buy Ramen that week, my cell phone bill usually gets paid bi-monthly if Verizon is lucky, I dont have TV, I only have netflix ($9 a month beats $100...). Sometimes I put $10 in my gas tank because thats what I have left. I often think of taking on a second job, but dont have time in the day to do it... I SHOULD have quit high school, said the hell with education and became a criminal. I WOULD have gotten free college education in prison, but never used it because, hell, I could just go on welfare and have free food, clothes, housing, heat, electric, cell phone, TV, healthcare, dental, vision... Im not sure if there are obama cars yet, but Id just use some of my extra allowance (after beer and cigarettes of course) to pick up a nice little car, and fill it with the newest thing, free obama gas! Its no wonder this country is going to hell. I actually make fairly decent money and struggle almost every week. Kudos to those of you who WORK, especially minimum wage jobs, and DONT abuse the very corrupt disgusting system. Ive always wanted to have kids, but do I honestly want to bring someone into this world and into this disgusting mess our country has become? Wishing I was born back in the day because I surely dont belong in this decade. If you want something, work for it. If you dont work hard enough, well to damn bad, youre not getting it. We are not and should not be entitled to anything. The welfare system should be completely removed. Get a job, get two jobs, dont have a flock of children you cant feed......There may be a SMALL handful of people who truely need help, well thats what family is for. Welfare should be tan pants and tshirts, corn and rice, milk and juice, that you stand in line for and get your allotted amount UNTIL you can find a job. NOT a free credit card with a huge limit and no interest, and a free ride in life in every way. Its disgusting, and although I usually say Im proud to be an american, the more I think of it, the more disgusted I am with this whole country. Rant over. Dont bother trying to debate with me, Im not interested.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:43:35 +0000

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