I really dont understand the kerfuffle by some people over the - TopicsExpress


I really dont understand the kerfuffle by some people over the show Autopsy: The Final Hours of Elvis Presley. Heres my 2 cents worth. This is a TV series started in 2012 that is broadcast on the British Broadcasting Network (BBC) in the UK. It is not broadcast in North America but of course is available online after the fact. The premise of the show is to re-examine the tragic deaths of celebrities who have died under mysterious circumstances. They have done shows on Michael Hutchence (INXS), Brittany Murphy, Michael Jackson, Karen Carpenter, Whitney Houston, Anna Nicole Smith and now Elvis. Unlike Geraldos show, which was billed as a celebration of Elvis life and turned out not to be the case, the title of this show is pretty self-explanatory. The simple solution is dont watch it if the subject matter is not something that you are not interested in. I chose not to watch Geraldo even though the 15 minutes on the ETAs was apparently good because I dont think it was right that the ETAs portion should have been favourable at the expense of the negative 45 minute portion on Elvis. Ive watched this episode and I will watch it again as Im sure Ive missed something. Unlike some who think they either know it all or know all they need to know, I found it very informative and it put a number of pieces of the puzzle into place for me. Its not a program that anybody is going to like. There were also some things that I was not aware of previously. Unfortunately, there is no way of sugar coating the circumstances and yes, it was a hard watch. But it just made me feel more empathetic. I did not find the program to be disparaging or critical in any way. I thought they dealt with a sensitive and grim topic appropriately. My only critique would be that the producers replayed a couple of scenes several times when once would have been enough. I assume this was on account of the commercial interruptions when it was being broadcast. But putting things in perspective, those probably total about 15 seconds of a 45 minute program. I also watched the episodes on Brittany Murphy, Whitney Houston and Karen Carpenter a couple of months ago with the same interest. People have said whats the point of bringing this topic up since hes been gone for 36 years. Karen Carpenter also passed on over 30 years ago - but nobody cares if she was profiled on the show. But then again, you have no interest in her. Much like there are many in the general public who have no interest in Elvis and tuned in out of curiosity. Given the premise of the show, its pretty much a no brainer that THE most iconic figure in the world would be the topic. Im surprised he wasnt the first one on the list. You want to know why Elvis will never rest in peace?? Take a good hard look at yourself. The collective WE - the ETAs, the producers of shows and festivals, the fans who attend the shows and festivals - WE keep him alive!! WE keep him current and relevant in the media. So dont be expressing shock and surprise when hes the topic of a show like this. And yes, it is a shame that nobody has done something special and meaningful for the 80th or for no reason at all but that is a separate issue altogether. Oh yeah, my last point is that there are plenty of people who go to Memphis for Elvis Week and are so busy with the ETA side of things, that they dont bother to even to take a couple of hours to visit Graceland, much less attend the Candlelight Vigil (not referring to those with health issues). I find that to be worse and pretty hypocritical if youre one of the ones complaining about this show. Thats my take.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 15:22:32 +0000

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