I wish to impress upon the Mind of the Reader that I am not - TopicsExpress


I wish to impress upon the Mind of the Reader that I am not teaching the “I AM God” belief,which I consider to be erroneous and misleading and a perversion of the Original Yogi teachings. This false teaching has taken possession of many of the Hindu teachers and people,and with its accompanying teaching of “Maya” or the complete illusion or non-existence of the universe,has reduced millions of people to a passive,negative Mental condition with undoubtedly is retarding their progress. Not only in India is this true,but the same facts may be observed among the pupils of the western Teachers who have embraced this negative side of the Oriental philosophy. Such people confound the “absolute“ and “Relative” aspects of the One,and being unable to reconcile the facts of Life and the Universe with theories of “I AM God”, they are driven to the desperate expedient of bodily denying the Universe and Declaring it to be all “An illusion ” or “Maya” People will have to understand that the above is not written in the Spirit of carping critism or fault finding. I hold no such mental attitude. I remain true to the conception Truth. I am mentioning these matters simply that people to avoid this “I AM God” pitfall which awaits man just as he has well started on the path. It would not be such a serious matter if it were merely a question of faulty metaphysics, for that would straighten it self out in time. But it is farm more serious that this,for the teaching inevitably leads to the accompanying teaching that all is illusion or Maya,and that life is but a dream,a false thing----a lie----a nightmare;that the journey along the path is but an illusion; that everything is “nothing”, that there is no soul; that you God in disguise,and that He is fooling Himself in making believe that He is you, that life is but a Divine masquerade or sleight-of-hand performance; that you are God, but that you (God) are fooling yourself (God) in order to amuse yourself (God). Is not this horrible? And yet it shows to what lengths the human mind will go before It will part with some pet theory of metaphysics with Wich it has been hypnotized. Do you think I have overdrawn the picture? Then Read some of the teaching of the schools of the Oriental philosophy or listern to some of the mortal radicals of the western teachers preaching this philosophy. I wish people will avoid confounding the teachings With this just mentioned. I wish to teach you that you are a Real Being--Not Godhimself but a manifestation of him who is the absolute. You are a child of the Divine Heritage,and whos mission it is to unfold qualities Wich are your inheritances from your parent. Do not make the great mistake of confounding the relative with the Absolute. Avoid this pitfall into which so many have fallen in. Do not allow yourself to fall into the “Slough of Despot” and wallow in the mud of some forceful teacher who takes the place of the absolute in your mind. But,raise your head and assert your Divine parentage,and your Heritage from the absolute,and step our bodly on the Path,asserting “I”
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 23:23:54 +0000

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