I would like to introduce you to a past client of mine who has - TopicsExpress


I would like to introduce you to a past client of mine who has proven losing weight the Wildly Alive way can happen, and happen for good. Her name is JJ, and JJ has went from a size 14 to a size 6 and has kept it off for over 3 years now. (check out her before and after pics in the video below) (transcript of video) ***What was your life like before you started working with Nichole?*** I was a workaholic. All I did was think about other people and my students (as I am a teacher), and I totally lost myself and trying to make great people out of them rather than myself. I had no energy when I came home from work. I went onto the couch and laid there and until I call the pizza delivery place and ordered as many Buffalo wings as they would bring me, and send husband to get a beer and the whisky. I would sit there and lay on the couch, and gorge and cry because my life wasnt good and I was super unhappy. I felt totally suffocated in my skin. I felt like I was in there somewhere, but underneath all the fat. My relationship with other people particularly with other women was very unhealthy, because I think that there was an underlying jealousy.Thinking: Wooh! How can they balance all of it and I cant? How come I cant have it all too? and the felt I terrible about it... ***What were you skeptical about when beginning to work with her?*** I remember you were like, How much beer do you drink?... and I think I said like 2 a day (but that was definitely a minimum representation of what I actually drank). Anyway, so you told me that I need to limit that stuff, and I was like, Whatever! So thats something a little bit skeptical. Im not letting her touch, this very valuable of my life; my social drinking/self-medicating. But the the moment I met you Nichole, I knew that youre gonna help, and I wanted that to happen. ***What specific things did you notice after starting working with Nichole?*** It took me maybe a month for me to start seen some results, but I think in the first month I loss like 7 pounds or something like that. Which was a huge triumph for me. I started noticing I had a lot of confidence. I started feeling I could do anything, and start standing for myself. I started taking time for myself. I mean started scheduling me time every day which was fantastic and started living life again. I feel like I was kind of in this career coffin and I re-emerged from my career coffin and I was alive again. I love my job now, because I know how to balance it. Ive learned that I cant give everything to everyone else because what Im giving is gonna be crap ... So I started at 184lbs and we finish of July last year. I was at 150lbs. And right now Im 130lbs! Im so much stronger than Ive ever been and doing pull ups and chin ups, and I can do numerous push-ups. I feel like I can do anything. Once again, I couldnt have gotten into the point where I am now physically, without taking that first step and the second step and the third step with you. ***How is working with Nichole different from other programs youve tried?*** Thats what I really think you offer that other gyms or programs cannot offer, is that holistic look at yourself. It is definitely a primer for people who dont remember of how to take care of themselves. ***If someone was on the fence about working with her what would you tell them?*** I told them to totally do it... Of course do it! I mean it was the best decision Ive ever made. I would have... Like I said... Im getting a little teary eyed. If I wouldnt have done that... I would probably... I dont know how much would I weigh....I dont know what would Ive done. I had so many failures. This is the first time I ever worked out long term. ~~~~~~~~ Shes awesome right? If you have any questions for JJ about me or her experience working with me, shoot her an email. Shed be more than happy to answer them for you :). Let JJs experience INSPIRE you (not make you jealous). If she can do it so can you. :), Nichole P.S. Today is the LAST DAY to sign up for The WildlyAliveWeightLossProgram (and wont be offered again this year) and it would be my honor to get you results like these. P.P.S. What questions do you have? Comment below!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:06:01 +0000

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