IF YOU SUPPORT GAZA,PLEASE DO THIS --------------- Dear Friends, - TopicsExpress


IF YOU SUPPORT GAZA,PLEASE DO THIS --------------- Dear Friends, We all know that Gaza is suffering from zionist attacks, Which are illegal and violates humanity. As Israel is the opponent, only American can stop them. The link below is a petition by an American-Palestinian towards American President Barac Obama. If 100000 people sign it then Obama will consider rethinking about the issue and which may be helpful to Palestinians. So I request each and everyone to sign in this petition opening this link and following the procedures below. 1. Open this link https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/condemn-apartheid-state-israel-their-human-rights-violations-against-palestinian-peoples/CjmPSCsG 2. Fill your First name and last name in add your name section. 3. Fill the correct email address 4. Leave the zip section blank 5.Click Sign Now and wait for the confirmation message near the Sign Now button 6.Open your email. 7.Check for them email from Whitehouse with the subject We the People 8.Confirm using the link provided to your email. Thats all..Now share this information with all your friends . This is an opportunity to help the people of Gaza..Please use it.. May Allah Help them.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 11:43:44 +0000

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