INTELLIGENT LIFE HAS A PURPOSE! LIFE IS NOT AN ACCIDENT! WE HAVE A CRUCIAL ROLE TO PLAY IN THE COSMOS! WE COULD NOT, NOT BE. THE UNIVERSE HAS BROUGHT US INTO EXISTENCE FOR A REASON! WE MIGHT NOT KNOW WHAT THAT REASON IS NOW, BUT IT WILL MANIFEST EVENTUALLY IN ULTIMATE UNIVERSAL HISTORY! Militant Atheism appears to be a cult and a religion of nothing, as the promoters of it place the mathematics prior to the experiment EVERETTS MANY WORLDS INTERPRETATION IS THE ONLY INTERPRETATION IF INDEED QUANTUM MECHANICS IS TRUE, THAT MODIFIES NEWTONIAN PHYSICS TO MAKE DETERMINISM CERTAIN! #ImmortalConsciousness He had everything at his fingers. He was missing Everetts Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics -- Which is the ONLY interpretation of QM, if QM is true, and every experiment to date has shown it is. Feynman then solved for the spin 2 path integral method for describing Quantum Gravity. Weinberg extended this method, but rejected the notion of a Singularity at the beginning of space time and matter. It resembled too much the account in Genesis STRING THEORY: 11 DIMENSIONS AND ALL THAT B.S.: Mathematicians are obsessed with trying to create a Mathematical Consistent theory with aesthetic equations that everyone can agree upon. They will never find this as the description of quantum gravity has second order derivatives and they place Mathematical Consistency prior to the experiment -- a terrible mistake for a physicist. Darwinism has prevented the advance of physics for at least 50 years, as PROBABILITIES are the expression of HUMAN IGNORANCE -- IGNORANCE of our ANALOGUES in infinite parallel universes. SPOOKY ACTION AT A DISTANCE IS FALSE. QUANTUM MECHANICS , AND EVERETT M.W.I. IS CLASSICAL MECHANICS THAT MAKES DETERMINISM CERTAIN, FROM THE INITIAL SINGULARITY (BEGINNING OF TIME) ALL THE WAY TO THE FINAL SINGULARITY (END OF TIME) . LIGHT RAYS CIRCUMNAVIGATE THE UNIVERSE AN INFINITE NUMBER OF TIMES. We are seemingly trapped in a nested nested simulation as these pre-conscious bicameral brains are light speed enslaving humanity with mathematics above physical law. this will not work in the long run. They are doomed. They have no theory at all, and they can only come to a Theistic solution as their Mathematical Consistency dictates to them. We now need to use OCCAMs RAZOR to cut out the egos and the brainwashing of the mainstream cultists, so humanity can survive and come out of this strange place we find ourselves in. THERE IS NO SPOOKY ACTION AT A DISTANCE!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 19:07:41 +0000

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