If you could share my story it would be great! I am diabetic - TopicsExpress


If you could share my story it would be great! I am diabetic and have been overweight almost my entire life. Doctors had told me I had very little chance of ever becoming pregnant due to my health unless I lost some weight. I have always dreamed of becoming a mommy, so I got busy. I lost right around 130 pounds and had been in a 3 year relationship with someone I thought I would marry. One day, I wasnt feeling well and my boyfriend was at work so I was home alone. Checked my sugar and it was nearly 600 and I knew I needed to go to the emergency room. Being too afraid of driving myself, I called the ambulance. When they got me in the ambulance, their glucometer wouldnt even give a reading because my sugar was so high, my blood pressure was extremely high and so was my pulse. They got me to the hospital and the doctor asked if there was any chance I was pregnant. I told him no since I had had no luck in the past, I seriously thought I could never get pregnant. After a series of blood tests and insulin, they finally was able to stabilize my sugar and the doctor came back in and told me, ok, so, you need to keep a close eye on your sugars, get in with an endocrinologist so they can get you on a treatment plan that will help control your diabetes, oh ... And by the way ... You are PREGNANT!!!! Tears immediately started flowing and I asked him 7 times if he was sure he didnt get my pregnancy test mixed up with someone elses. LOL. I WAS SO EXCITED ... MY PRAYERS HAD BEEN ANSWERED!!!!!!!!!! A few days after I had found out, my boyfriend started changing. Distancing himself from me, was very angry, and even got physically abusive. The day he pushed me into a wall and threw me on the couch, I was done. I refused to let him harm my baby, so I left and moved in with my grandma. My Ob doctors were already treating me as high risk and I couldnt be under any stress. I had started cramping but thought it was the normal growing pains. They were keeping a close eye on my hcg levels and instead of the going up like they would in a normal pregnancy, they kept dropping. Had an ultrasound done, and I couldnt see anything but they werent saying anything. Kept telling me I would have to talk to the doctor. He said it looked like it had started out like a normal pregnancy but I had little chance of not miscarrying and he could give me a pill that could help me pass the fetus. I refused. If it was going to happen, I wanted it to happen naturally. I was going to give my baby every chance I could to survive. I found out I was pregnant on may 21, 2013 and my baby grew his/her wings I may 31,2013. I was 7 weeks pregnant. I never got to see a picture of my baby during the ultrasound, never got to hear its heartbeat, and I will never know if my baby would have been a son or a daughter. My due date would have been January 17, 2014 and this has been by far, the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. God has a reason for everything and I believe he didnt want me to be a single mom, he didnt want me to be in an abusive relationship, but he did want me to see that I am able to get pregnant since I was beginning to lose hope that it would ever happen to me. I just hope and pray that one day, when the time is right, I will get the chance to become a mother and experience one of the greatest blessings I could ever imagine!! Thank you for reading. =)
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 20:14:35 +0000

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