If you have a few minutes to spare folks please take note of this - TopicsExpress


If you have a few minutes to spare folks please take note of this lengthy article I have written. I have been doing my usual weekly trawl of different facebook pages and I am disturbed to see the amount of people who are losing faith in the whole UFO phenomenon. There is a lot of infighting happening at the moment regarding different points of view. Different people jostling to gain notoriety in their different perspective fields. Different groups and pages are starting to close down or refuse to accept any new members. UFOs in the modern age. There are now many areas that make up the UFO community. Alien Abduction, reptilian conspiracy theory, secret space programs, buildings on the moon, eventual disclosure and Roswell are but a fraction of the topics being discussed online and it is easy to see why people are giving up on the UFO phenomenon. Some of these topics often spark heated arguments about who’s right and who’s wrong. For those of us who have been interested in the field of UFOs for decades we can remember a time when research used to consist of going out and interviewing people, sitting in libraries trawling through newspaper clippings and attending UFO conferences listening to different lecturers telling their tales of the unknown and government conspiracies. In the last twenty years the UFO field has changed beyond recognition and the internet has been the driving force of that change. It has given people the chance to air their views and create forums and websites where people can come together and discuss topics relevant to the UFO phenomenon. And since sites like Facebook and Twitter took off, there has been an explosion of Facebook pages and Twitter feeds. But the internet has also had a negative effect on the UFO culture. YouTube is by far the biggest playground for UFO hoaxers who use their skills to fake UFO videos. Mass media has also had a negative effect on the UFO culture. Once upon a time researchers were up against shadowy government organisations who have withheld the truth for decades. However researchers also have to contend with the mass media which seem hell bent on ridiculing the UFO culture. Even documentaries on Discovery and National GEO can sensationalise stories which usually turn out to be hoaxes. One of the main issues with the UFO phenomenon is that nothing ever happens. There are UFO sightings which happen every day all over the world and there are groups out there that monitor UFO activity globally. However all in all most sightings don’t amount to anything and usually turn out to be identifiable. It is little wonder why people get so easily frustrated with the UFO culture, we live in an age where people require stimulus to keep up their interest. There have been several UFO events over the last several decades which have generated a lot of interest. Roswell by far is the most widely known UFO incidents in the world. An entire industry has sprung up around the town in New Mexico. Documentaries, films, books, and science fiction TV shows have come and gone over the years based on the events that happened in 1947. The last major UFO incident to gain notoriety is the Rendlesham Forest incident of 1980. It’s probably second to the Roswell story and is constantly being featured in TV documentaries which have highlighted. There are other incidents that have happened over the years but none of them have had the notoriety of Roswell or Rendlesham. Science fiction has also contributed heavily over the years to the UFO culture. With so little happening regarding UFOs it is easy to see why people take elements of science fiction and apply it to the UFO phenomenon. TV shows such as V and Stargate SG1 have influenced a lot of UFO evangelists who claim that lizard aliens are taking over our planet and that secret battles have taken place in remote regions. However science fiction can also have a positive effect on the UFO culture, shows such as The X Files and Dark Skies have amassed huge following and have turned millions into believers. If something is popular then people will rally behind it. Sadly there are no TV shows like the X files around which is why people are turning away in droves from the UFO community. Franchises like Star Trek and Star Wars have entertained us for decades. Although most people are not interested in things such as alien life, when asked they would probably tell you that they wouldn’t be surprised if life exists elsewhere. Another disturbing element which has sprung up within the UFO community over that last twenty years is the UFO Evangelist. He or she will try to amass huge followings and get everyone to believe in their theories. Some theories can be a little too farfetched to be believed and these people and their followers are constantly being ridiculed by the media as being crackpots. It is also possible that some of these UFO evangelists are working against the UFO community undermining its foundations. In regards to my belief, I don’t subscribe to any of these UFO evangelists, I simply believe that we are not alone in the universe, and that given our level of technology there are governments around the world who have been keeping the truth away from us for decades. There are people and groups who believe that some form of disclosure will happen regarding UFOs. The US government will lead the way in announcing that they have been in contact with alien beings for decades. It is doubtful that this will happen. For decades organisations such as NASA and the US defence department have denied the existence of UFOs. It is very unlikely that these groups will suddenly back track and admit that they have been lying. One thing is certain, there will be an announcement that life exists beyond planet earth, but in microscopic form. For over a century the public have been slowly drip fed information regarding life beyond planet earth. And in the last half century have been acclimatised to the possibility that we are not alone in the universe. Before 1992 it was mere speculation that planets existed outside our solar system. It was up to maverick scientists like Stephen Hawking Carl Sagan and Arthur C Clarke to speak out and theorise that other planets. In the late 1990s there was a huge debate concerning a Martian meteorite that crashed to earth thousands of years ago. According to scientists it contained fossilised remains of bacteria that may have existed on Mars millions of years ago. Telescopes such as Kepler and Hubble have peered out into the universe and discovered wonders which have pushed the boundaries of our imagination. Kepler and other space telescopes have discovered planets in distant parts of our galaxy as well as closer to our solar system. The relentless march of technology will allow us to peer further out into the cosmos. A recent article in the Daily Mail speculated that future telescopes will be able to detect atmospheres capable of supporting life, even down to CO2 emissions indicating industrialised civilizations on other planets. In recent years there have been high profile stories in the media regarding computer hackers who have successfully hacked into high security networks; most recently Edward Snowden. For most UFO researchers Gary MacKinnon is well known for his claims that he hacked NASA because he was searching for evidence of a UFO cover up. I find it strange that nothing has been heard from this man since he escaped extradition to the United States. UFO history is full of fascinating tales of alien encounters. In 1954 President Eisenhower allegedly met with Alien beings. If this story is true then there will be a film documenting this event. It is material like this which is badly needed, not blurry blips on You Tube or spectacular computer generated UFO videos. The UFO community is running out of time. When they finally announce that they have discovered life beyond planet earth the UFO phenomenon will be forever lost to history, a mere footnote to describe a craze that happened during the 20th century. We need a smoking gun.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 21:50:15 +0000

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