Illegal immigration is a serious problem that both parties have - TopicsExpress


Illegal immigration is a serious problem that both parties have failed to address. If we allow our borders to be open and reward illegal aliens with citizenship and social services to take care of them this is not sustainable. We cannot afford financially nor as a nation to allow illegal immigrants to infiltrate our The term illegal means NOT legal. Anyone who enters this country illegally is breaking the law and is a criminal. They should not be awarded with American citizenship for breaking our laws. The founders including Jefferson warned us about mass in fluxes of immigration and how it would affect our freedoms and this countries future in a harmful and negative way. Immigration is needed but only in a legal and a slow moderate form. It is not racist or wrong to defend our nations borders and alertness our citizens into actions and affairs of an out of control government which abuses and ignores the Constitution yet embraces and enforces its own agenda which is at odds with freedom, the Constitution, Republicanism and the ideals of the founding fathers. As always ways we will always call out all constitutional infringements from this administration or future administrations because it is the duty of every citizen to act and to protect their country from all threats whether foreign or domestic. - Frank. The time to act is now. And the actions of our current president and his administration are the polar opposite of what should be done. Call, email and write your senators and repentantatives and demand action to deal with illegal immigration and to seal our borders. Join and as well. Thanks. - Frank
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 04:46:48 +0000

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