In five year’s INDIAN JUDICIARY don’t APPLy mind to INDIAN - TopicsExpress


In five year’s INDIAN JUDICIARY don’t APPLy mind to INDIAN CRIMINAL CASE for 5 time’s…. !!!!!!!! !!!!!!(india an 8th world wonder) an 498a experience in INDIA…service to nation & PUBLIC WELFARE equation of the underdeveloped indian’s… ACTUAL MEANING OF INDIAN INDEPENDENCE,REPUBLIC, JUSTICE,SERVICE,LAW,constitution INDEPENDENCE TO MANY INDIANs is LIKE IN-DUPE & DANCE & SIMILIAR IS THE ACTUAL MEANING OF REPUBLIC IT IS LIKE AGAIN TAKING CITIZENs OR TAX PAYERs for RIDE(RIDING ON THE BACK OF INDIAN TAX PAYER)...CONSTITUTION, IN INDIA is CONNIVING VIA INSTITUTION, I HAVE REAPED ALL OF THIS IN INDIA, I AM AN 498a law accused of INDIA,the nation,judiciary,parliament via law,police,state all are fighting my existence,well being & SUPREME COURT OF INDIA,has swallowed my 1000+ pages of petitions with LOGIC,EVIDENCE against random,adhoc,subsatndard allehgations levelled against me, the supreme court has charged me fees for dispensing JUSTICE & still has denied me JUSTICE from 4+ years,the GUJARAT HIGH COURT HAS DENIED ME JUSTICE(special criminal application 624/2012),& SUPREME COURT PETITIOns 4020/2010(CRIMINAL) & SLP(10226/2011)....what a JOKE,justice via supreme court dont feel/look like JUSTICE/service at all,accept u hear a new CHIEF JUSTICE SWORN IN & HAS RETIRED TO BECOME CHIEF OF HUMAN RIGHts comission( AT NEW DELHI) after sucessfully reaping pension benefits for serving the nation, 4 chief justices have vacationed twice an year with 27 other JUDGEs of supreme court but have not been able to cater/list my justice seeking petitions all in complete dedication to INDIAN CONSTITUTIONs front page supreme/saturated GUARANTEEs JUSTICE AS SECURED RIGHT & RIGHT TO LIVE WITH DIGNITY & RIGHT OF REPUBLIC SERVICED/constitutionally protected & RIGHT OF ACCUSED of indianised substandard 498a law/public welfare equation.etc all under fair trial conditions,where from 5 years INDIAN JUDICIARY CATCHING MY COLLAR IN NAME OF SERVICE & INDEPENDENCE & CONTRIBUTION TO INDIA VIA SERVICE TO NATION has to yet know the TIME OF CRIME for allegations levelled against me & MY 60+ mother.we have been not officailly asked our side by police/court/law makers & THIS IS SCALLED JUSTICE IN INDIA..!!1the third world country with self certified people POSING AS JUSTICEs(JUDGEs) dedicated TO INDEPENDENCE & RIGHts of people swearing in name of CONSTITUTION... i erred & longed & wanted to HIGH LIGHT & FIGHT FOR THE JUSTICE OF INDIAN MASSES ,who are robbed of evidence by the ONEWAY/people/tax payer victimising unconstitutional indian law(498a) & the indian JUDICIARY/supreme court & HIGH COURt & TRIAL COURT so far has disliked me & MY PETITIOns so far, since I expected & wanted so much from JUDICIARY(SO MUCH LOGIC)/justice/answers/judgement in form of prayers to THE INDIAN JUDICIARY of UNDER DEVELOPED NATION/NOTION CALLED INDIA striving or PUBLIC WELFARE via excuses called law & CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM. facebook,21january2014..mukul c saini [email protected] gandhigrandson@gmail
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 11:13:17 +0000

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