Insert 6 i let her cry until a kgotsofala Me: Thabo ke morogo - TopicsExpress


Insert 6 i let her cry until a kgotsofala Me: Thabo ke morogo wa motho choma etswa ko ene Kele: o nkakeditse a mpolella everyday gore wa nthata, a bua maka Me: mofe modimo fela choma she nodded, we tried doing maths but still couldnt keep Thabo out of her mind, i wrote my homework ka mofa a kopolle Her: thanks choma Me: o fitlhe o zame go bona gore di etsiwa yang Her: mmmmh... Me: you are not pregnant my choma, ka itse nna Her: but we still dont know for sure, a reye o nkhape go nna late i walked her home, gare feta ko shopong Thabo was among the guys ba baratang go nna ko teng, he saw us eish Thabo: hello bo sweeties we ignored him, mxm satan e Thabo: Kelebogile wa ntidimalla lwena? We kept walking, he whispered something to the other guy and they turned to look at us Guy: o raya ntwana ya bra Ivans? Thabo: the other one they both laughed mxm as if go nale joke fo Guy: o skhokho mara ke ntwana joh, why osa tseye cheri yako sgela sa rona? I wasnt interested in hearing his response, we quickly crossed the main road Me: choma osa isa pelo ko dimo neh Kele: ka itshola waitse Dineo, i trusted him so much Me: kedi past now, mo ntshe mo pelong i had to go back now, i said my goodbye and gave her a hug Kele: okay shap choma shame o utlwile botlhoko ke sono as for Thabo ene, nako yage yetlha. Ka jumper main road, i saw Thabo a eme mo gating ya shop. As i approached the gate Thabo: kante o mmoetse kae? Kgale kego emetse love huuuh... Love??? I looked back maybe ga bue le nna ka feta gate fast Thabo: Dineo oka feta motho ago emetse mara i kept walking, he held my hand roughly, pulling me to the side Thabo: ka bua wena wa feta, o yang mara joh Me: ke kopa o ntlogele letsogo Thabo: ke eme lwena moes, joh kago rata i realised gore i made a mistake ka your friend Me: im not interested, let go of me the same guy ko shopong, a gwella Thabo Guy: ntwana ya bra Ivans, ogo phara fo papa he ignored him, i pulled my hand from him, a ntshwara gape Me: wena ke batla go tsamaya tlhe ntlogele gake gadima looking for someone who could rescue me ka gore nea simolla go ntena yang, i saw Mpho atswa skolong, phweee at least, Mpho got to us Me: ausi Mpho bua le Thabo a ntlogele tlhe Mpho: hayi wena tlogela ngwana ko gae, wabe o bona a gola nyana setse o mofofelag. LENONG LE... Thabo just laughed, Mpho ne ale serious yang le ene, he let go of me ka tsamaya le Mpho, mo tseleng Mpho: o sabe wa dumela Thabo wena, ke sfefe sa bofelo ko skolong. O ithare more-hock wage o phatsimang wa charma ka mmona Me: nea jola le my friend Mpho: o robetse le ene? Me: e.e o motlhadile before she breathed in relief, she changed a topic Her: go jewang ko gae? Me: yhooo Mpho wena mara, go raya gore everyday otla o gopotse dijo Her: kego boditse question e simple Me: otla fitlha o iponna, ayi o rata dijo wena we chatted more ka dilo fela plus nere tsamaya ka bonya. Ka mothoma ka boyfriend yage (Willy aka Tally), O rata dibuka yang that guy, ke utlwile bare o botlhale vele Me: o kae my brother in law? A starta kago tshega pele, i could tell my sister is inlove shame Her: o teng ntse re studisa ba botlhe now, ohh well we do it everyday Me: mmmh... Le kopane le tshwana, no wonder o phela o sena di homework so Her: yeah redi etsa ba botlhe kaba galla, ba phala nna le Phetogo. I should try studying with him maybe reka kgona le rona, go cute yang Her: i introduced him ko abuti last year ehhh abuti wa moitse, pila pila my brother o cool ga rate modumo, he understands everything, he doesnt act like ga ise a lekane le rona once. Unlike mama, ausi Pretty ene o worse Me: and??? I wanted to know more yanong Her: ba dumedisana fela after abuti took me to the side a re basimane badi spectacles gase di player kemo tshware pila Me: i wish aka mpolella yalo one day waitse i started being curious to know gore sale a robala le ene nah Me: so ausi, have you guy tried it? Her: tried what? She was laughing hard Me: it, like... Wa ntlhaloganya tlhe she continued laughing more yanong Her: yhooo Dineo your face completely changes ge o bua ka so seo Me: eya nkarabe then Her: eya im not a virgin if thats your question my sister as well, ehh ditla bowa moes gofa...
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 08:49:14 +0000

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