It makes me so sad this cop murdered this poor unarmed kid - TopicsExpress


It makes me so sad this cop murdered this poor unarmed kid (Micheal Brown); it appears the kid was fleeing for his life because the cop came of the car guns blazing, that is why there is such a cover up and the distance from the car, 131 ft. Then the poor kid when he got hit in the back from one of the multiple bullets that were whizzing by him, it appears he turned around in a last hope with his arms up begging this cop, please do not shoot anymore. I just feel so sad in my heart to think what that poor kid was thinking the last moments when he knew this world was really that cold and cruel that his own government would kill him in cold blood when, I was not even armed. What would you be thinking, put yourself in his place and think? Anyone with a brain could have held a press conference as did the Browns after and show the opposite of the presentation by the government that shows without a doubt this cop murdered this kid in cold blood. It was all spin, and cover for each other. In fact, I believe there is something bigger within this scheme, or Psyop. Watch these licks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am I the only one in the world that see this, the officers face had no bruising in the video when he came back to the station after the shooting , we have the video, but they say he was punched and had bruising ?? This proves someone is lying! The Black community is very upset, and what they are expressing is right, and I am glad, This verdict is a cover up again to protect a cop. That cop needs to go to jail this time, and it has to happen. He is a guilty man. He murdered that kid period! He had no gun. If I were a cop I could have subdued that kid, with no harm coming to him. And I can prove that. This has got to stop, the police are out of control and the militarization has to be undone, and now!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let us be clear if people were discriminated against in this country the way black people are; and were economically deprived with no hope in site, they would cut their neighbors throat for slice of bread, - tear each other apart. Especially rich white people, they never had to struggle. Wait until they are starving. We have to stop the hate in this country. The white man is so afraid the black man may achieve something better, so they continue to make sure they are handicapped and demoralized. They do not want them to have an equal playing field, unless it is sports and they can exploit them for profit. And then in the end they establishment destroys every prominent black mans legacy. it is very sad to watch, it sickens me. I have lived this, so I know what I am saying is real. I have seen it, and studied it. And those white men are going to get their karma in their next rebirth into the animal realm again but this time as beast of burden. These are not my words, but the words of the ancient text. Disgusted A White Guy! ------------------------ Psyops? You decide? https://youtube/results?search_query=CIA+psyops+furgeson https://youtube/watch?v=giOvj8-s8oU BUSTED! Gov. Running #Ferguson Twitter Psyop https://youtube/watch?v=1s2FT0XeYE8 ISIS IS HERE! CNN Caught Staging ISIS Psyop In Ferguson #ferguson https://youtube/watch?v=XqDgwoeIP0o
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:22:02 +0000

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