Ive Been Through JMF I have been through turmoil to learn - TopicsExpress


Ive Been Through JMF I have been through turmoil to learn tranquility I have been through being disabled to learn about my abilities I have been through the downfall to learn to soar I have been through having less to learn about more I have been through selfishness to learn to give i have been through death to learn to live. I have been through the crawl to learn to walk, I have been through the yelling to learn to talk I have been through the hatred to learn to love I have been through the bottom to learn about above. I have been through emptiness to learn about full I have been through being pushed to learn how to pull I have been through war to learn about peace I have been through capitivity to learn about release. I have been through dropping the ball to learn about picking up the slack I have been through being upfront to learn about taking someones back. i have been through screaming to learn how to speak, I have been through punching to learn to turn the other cheek i have been through being unwanted to learn of acceptance I have been through forgetfulness to learn of rememberance I have been through the dark to learn about the light,, I have been through the wrongs to learn about whats right I have been through a firery hell to learn about heavenly bliss I have been through knowing it all to learn about what I missed. I have been through being broke to learn about having wealth I have been through sickness to learn about health. I have been through weakness to learn about might. I have been through blindness to learn about sight. i have been through not having enough to learn about plenty I have been through harshness to learn the meaning of gently. I have been through having it rough to learn about being smooth i have been through paralysis to learn how to move. i have been through the wilderness to learn about being tamed I have been through denial to learn to take the blame i have been through hoplessness to learn to have hope. i have been through being incapable to learn how to cope i have been through the past to learn about right now. I have been through the whys and the wherefores to learn about how. i have been through skeptisim to learn about being a believer I have been through being unsuccessful to learn to become an achiever i have been through being torn to learn to become whole I have been through heartlessness to learn about soul. I have been through sin to learn about good deeds. I have been through my wants to learn about my needs. I have been through the storms to learn about better weather I have been through being trashed to learn about hidden treasure I have been through being misled to learn how to lead I have been through emotional scaring to learn to let my heart bleed. I have been through beginings to learn about ends I have been through enemies to learn who is my friend i have been through hard times to learn about ease I have been through taking without asking to learn to say please. i hve been through anarchy to learn about order I have been through a ton of bricks to learn bout morter i have been through the weak to learn to be strong I have been through the blues to learn of love songs. I have been through the rise to learn about the fall I have been through letting it slip away to learn to grasp it all i have been through anxiety to learn about patience i have been through the mean streets to learn to pound the pavement i hve been through the bad times to learn about the good I have been through the shouldnts to learn about what I should i have been through endings to learn of begginings i have been through losses to learn about winnings I have been through fantasy to learn about reality I have been through the never ending to learn about finality. I have been through sleeplessness to learn I need sleep I have been through drowning in my sorrows to learn I was in too deep
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 02:00:21 +0000

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