Ive had it up to here with un-informed and divisive leaders like - TopicsExpress


Ive had it up to here with un-informed and divisive leaders like Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) that try and villain-ize people and companies that they dont understand. For starters, Burger King doesnt owe an explanation to any govt. official, only to its customers and shareholders. For anyone that doesnt know, there isnt really a Burger King that wears a robe and a crown. Its a corporation that is ultimately responsible for maximizing profits, which are then distributed to citizens that have invested in it. Secondly, if the current administration is hell bent on reducing Americas prominence in the world market in an effort to make the worlds economies more fair, then why are they surprised when companies leave for a better deal or a more fair market in which to operate? Senator Brown actually said that Burger King abandoned Americans. Abandoned? Seriously? How stupid can you be? Yes, STUPID. Currently, the United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. There are 195 countries in the world today (Taiwan isnt an actual country). 195. And we are the most taxed. Read that last part again. Its not about our fair share anymore. Everything our govt. touches is infected with corruption, nepotism, over charges, inefficiencies ($650 million website that didnt work), rampant fraud in every segment, from the EPA, IRS, Post office, and so many more. They now just demand more, and more and more for the same people and corporations year after year. Did you know that 50% of Americans cover 97% of income taxes paid while 50% pay the rest? Did you know that currently, White House officials alone owe more than $800,000 in back taxes? Did you know that currently govt employees currently owe more than $3.5 BILLION in back taxes? Now look me in the eye and say the words fair share again. I double dog dare ya. Want to know why corporations have outsourced labor for years, like AT&T, DELL, Microsoft and Apple? Wonder why theyve moved operation centers outside of the U.S? Because they are lured to other countries who want companies to invest there and see the long term advantage of not staying here. So, if you want to boycott something, then fine. Boycott congress and your elected officials. Stop paying to their campaigns. Stop paying for their parties. Stop paying your taxes until they hear your demands that any and all tax revenues be spent like they were YOUR hard earned money, because they ARE! We are led by a legion of uniformed, divisive, name calling, thin skinned, morally bankrupt, ethically challenged people that think they can decide whats best for us instead of listening to the people that know what makes America and Americans great. Who says that? I say that! Whew, Charlotte, wheres the Tylenol? Clay Dennis Veteran, Business Owner, Scouter, Master Mason, Rotarian, American
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 22:40:56 +0000

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