Ive recently begun to truly understand the meaning of the word - TopicsExpress


Ive recently begun to truly understand the meaning of the word juvenile...not just by definition, but within the last few years or so theres come more and more instances where I just have to sit back and decide exactly what I think about what I just heard/witnessed...and the word juvenile keeps coming up more and more often in my head like theres not another word to describe what it was. And Im not even talking about specific people in particular, just people and their conversations or their choice of words or their actions. And not even people I know necessariky...just people in general. Friends, acquaintances, strangers, anyone! Im FAR from being the most mature person I know, but I see the bad come from allll ages, cultures, political offiliations, societal classes, etc (thats what Im getting at, ultimately)...for instance, people just being flat out rude to a random stranger for no reason, throwing fits in public because they want a reason to fuss, taking advantage of people in customer service positions, refusing to face facts, trying to plot revenge on someone who doesnt even know theres a problem (because even they think is not that big of a deal), inconsiderate folks who sometimes try to pretend like theyre doing you a favor even when they know theyre getting the longer straw, lying for no good reason at all, blaming others for what is obviously not their fault, stealing, cheating an agreement, constructing overly dramatic scenarios in hopes to get undeserved attention, starting rumors, gossiping, and being so hypocritical that even Uncle Sam himself would call them out on it... Idk. Im a pretty good example of some of those things without even trying to be, but I guess Im just glad I can at least recognize it now, whereas before it never really occurred to me what it really meant. And now Im seeing it without even thinking too much into it. if I feel like Im guilty of any of those things, I honestly feel bad for it. Like theres a real conscience that tells me I might actually be in the wrong and maybe I should ponder about it and maybe try to fix it. I think a lot of people either have lost that or have chosen to ignore it. Its interesting to watch people and how they live and interact with others and how some of them manage to survive. And others dont. Its all a matter of choice and how you choose to conduct yourself. You can cause problems, ignore them, or fix them. And everyone will choose to act like an asshole at since point in their life and regret it later. But the ones who dont will keep making the same mistake forever. Idk. Just a growing thought. Anyway, theres my random post about nonsense for the next few months.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:37:27 +0000

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