Kurds pre­vail in bor­der bat­tle The Daily Telegraph - TopicsExpress


Kurds pre­vail in bor­der bat­tle The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), Australia Oct 20, 2014 19 KURDISH forces in the Syr­ian town of Kobane have re­pulsed a new at­tempt by Is­lamic State fight­ers to cut off the bor­der with Turkey as troops bat­tled the ji­hadists in neigh­bour­ing Iraq. It came as the US mil­i­tary said it had un­leashed 25 more air strikes in Syria and Iraq since Fri­day, hit­ting IS and the oil in­fra­struc­ture they con­trol. But while Wash­ing­ton said it saw “en­cour­ag­ing” signs, it warned the raids might not pre­vent the fall of Kobane, and its pri­or­ity re­mained the cam­paign against IS in Iraq. De­spite a wave of coali­tion air strikes in re­cent weeks, Iraqi forces are strug­gling to re­gain and hold ground from ji­hadists. Heavy IS mor­tar fire on Satur­day hit the Syr­ian side of the bor­der cross­ing with Turkey which is the Kur­dish fight­ers’ sole av­enue for re­sup­ply and the only es­cape route for re­main­ing civil­ians, Kur­dish of­fi­cial Idris Nassen said. At least three rounds crashed onto Turkey’s side of the bor­der, one of them near a hill where the Turk­ish army is de­ployed. The ji­hadists had launched a fierce at­tack from the east to­wards the bor­der gate be­fore be­ing pushed back, Nassen said. IS suf­fered heavy losses in the fight­ing and was forced to send in re­in­force­ments as an ex­pert claimed that their de­ci­sion to en­gage in street bat­tles within Kobane could be back­fir­ing. In­stead of de­ploy­ing its reg­u­lar “pin­cer move­ment” which yielded suc­cess on north­ern Syr­ian bat­tle­fields, IS has been forced to bat­tle the be­sieged Kurds in the town cen­tre of Kobane — a move which has left the ex­trem­ist mil­i­tants ex­posed for longer pe­ri­ods to at­tacks from US and Arab jets. UK mil­i­tary re­search an­a­lyst Justin Bronk told re­portersl that while IS’s smaller num­bers were off­set by their su­pe­rior fire­power in bat­tle­field sce­nar­ios, it was a huge draw­back in a fight on un­fa­mil­iar streets where the Kurds could em­ploy guerilla tac­tics from the al­leys and build­ings. When forced to­gether tak­ing cover, the ji­hadis were of­ten be­ing taken out by fighter jets. UN Syria en­voy Staffan de Mis­tura warned ear­lier this month that about 12,000 civil­ians re­mained in and around Kobane, and risked “mas­sacre” if the ji­hadists cut off the bor­der. Of the 15 air strikes that had oc­curred in Syria since Fri­day, 12 had been aimed at “de­grad­ing and de­stroy­ing their oil pro­duc­ing, col­lect­ing, stor­age and trans­porta­tion in­fra­struc­ture”, the US Cen­tral Com­mand said.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 02:19:18 +0000

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