Kyrgyzstan is situated in Central Asia, its neighboring countries - TopicsExpress


Kyrgyzstan is situated in Central Asia, its neighboring countries are Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tadjikistan to the south and China to its East and South-East. The former Republic of the Soviet Union became independent in the year 1991 and since then is a democratic Presidential Republic. Bishkek, formerly called Frunze , is the capital with about 1 million inhabitants, the country as a whole has about 5 million inhabitants and an area of 198.500 km2. Longitude Bishkek - 74( East (Similar to New Delhi). Latitude Bishkek - 42 (North Similar to Istanbul, Madrid, New York.) Elevation Highest - 7437 m - Peak Pobeda Lowest - 401 m - The Laikal district in the Ferghana Valley Average - 2750 m Bishkek - 750 m 93% of Kyrgyzstan higher than 1500 m above sea level, and 41% above 3000m. Area 198,500 sq. km (76641 sq. miles) Similar to England and roughly equal to the combined areas of Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands. 925 km East-West: 453 km North-South The total length of Kyrgyzstan’s borders is 4508 km. Neighbouring Countries China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Population 5 million density - 24 per sq. km 38% - urban, 62% - rural 51% - female, 49% - male Approximately one sixth of the population lives in Bishkek. The Kyrgyz make up just over 50% of the population - of the over 70 other nationalities the major ones are: The Russians (17%), Uzbeks (13%), Ukrainians, Germans and Tartars. 40% of the population is under 14 years old and 8% of the population is over 60 years old Shortly after Independence there was large-scale emigration of ethic Russians and Germans in response to the decline of industrial job opportunities and growing Kyrgyz nationalism. Religion Muslim (Sunni), and Russian Orthodox. Languages State - Kyrgyz. Official - Russian, (In common use especially in the capital and Northern region).
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 06:57:13 +0000

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