LAST DAYS ISSUES & OUR RIGHT STANDING SYNOPSIS ON ISRAEL’S SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS Now Jesus was standing before Pilate, the Roman Governor. “Are you the Jews’ Messiah? (The King of the Jews)?”The governor asked him. “Yes.” Jesus replied. But when the Chief priests and other Jewish Leaders made their many accusations against him (Jesus Christ), Jesus remained silent (Matthew 26, 27). “……………. Inside, the chief priests and the whole Jewish Supreme Court were trying to find something against Jesus that would be sufficient to condemn him to death. But their efforts were in vain. Finally some men stood up to lie about him and said, “…………………. (Mark 14, 15). These and many more in the New Testament testify to the fact that Israel’s spiritual blindness was predestined, divinely clear-cut and well manifested. I love the Jews from the bottom of my Heart; they’re the dearest nearest to my heart. O Jews! You hold the keys that brings about an end to greed, pride & ambition that leads to armed conflict worldwide; you hold the keys that produces a world where mothers can always be free from the fear of losing their kids; you hold the keys that produces a world where the young can look forward to a serene life & you hold the keys that produces a world where the Aged can live gracefully in Tranquility. Oh Israel! You hold the keys that unlock these doors. The long-awaited Peace worldwide is the price you must pay. Even now I shed tears as I imagine all that lies ahead, which subsequently consist of lanes built on bridges of no return which some of you, must pass thru. I would not be on Earth in the future to witness these entirely but I’ll be in Heaven. The Jewish Temple will only remain desolate until the Jews say, “Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord (Matthew 23:38, 39). Spiritual Blindness had happened to Israel, but only until the fullness of Gentiles be come in Romans 11. Israel will suffer Tribulation as the focus from the entire nations of the World on Her gains strongest Paramountcy & only until God’s Spirit of Grace & Prayer is poured out upon them from on high (Isaiah 32:13-17, Zechariah 12, 13, 14). The unsaved dead will never be raised to be part of the 1000 years of Jesus Christ’s Reign on Earth until the end of the Millennial Reign (Revelation 20:5). Yes! Jesus Christ will sit at the Right Hand of God (on the Throne of King David) until His enemies are made to bow lowest before Him (Psalm 110:1-7, Psalm 2:1-12). God will abandon His people to their enemies until the time of Israel’s spiritual rebirth (until she who’s in travail has brought forth); then at last the exile remnants of Israel will rejoin their brethren in their own land………………….. Then the nation of Israel will refresh the world like gentle dew or the welcome showers of rain, and Israel will be as strong as a lion. The nations will be like helpless sheep before her! She will stand up to her foes; all her enemies will be wiped out (Micah 5:3-9). God’s Word is the most Powerful & it will never in any way or will never by any manner of means bow to the systems of dust natured humans. And I really wanna adjure all the Israelis to know & understand that my Lord Jesus Christ will never come back to establish the Wonderful Times of Refreshment thru the emergence of His Kingdom on Earth until you as a Nation repents & turn to Jesus Christ (Acts 3:18-19). But it’s of most Exhilarating note to know that there’s no people so capable as the Jew of keeping separate yet being so widespread; no other is so national & yet at the same time so universal; no other preserves so tenaciously its individuality & also remains in the midst of other people so self-contained & secluded; no other so understands how to attach himself to all places & accommodate himself to all circumstances as does the Jew. The Jew settles down in all places, the Jew is able to make room for him everywhere & above all else the Jews or Jew everywhere remains a Jew! (Is this uniqueness not also applicable to the Ibo Tribe of Southeast Nigeria in West Africa, apart from the Semitic Ethiopians?) I overheard from the most reliable source that the Jews in Europe had been allowed freedom to go to the land of Israel. This is a sign that your Redemption is near & the Supreme Price of Worldwide peace which you must pay is near. But Why? How? What are the future consequences? I’ll analyze your prophetic future & pinpoint what must happen before the actualization of worldwide peace. WHAT IS BLINDNESS? Blindness is demystified literally as been unable to see; been unable or unwilling to notice, know understand & judge; doings things without adequate directions or knowledge; not controlled by intelligence; sightlessness & many more. This literal meaning can most definitely usher us to an idea of the meaning of spiritual blindness. Now Israel’s spiritual blindness is seen in her out right unbelieving attitude towards Jesus Christ, His Teachings & his disciples. They were spiritually blind cos it was in God’s Eternal plan (Romans 11). God displayed an outright impartiality when He sent Jesus Christ to save the entire world from Adamic defects. Impartiality in the sense that the Jews are God’s True people called-out & set apart for His own good purposes. Abraham believed God’s promises of an Israeli Nation outta his blood. The Ever-persistent entity called Israel is a reality today cos of Abraham’s belief in God’s promises. The Bible made me to understand that there are Jews, Gentiles & Christians alike in existence. Every human being in this world belongs to either of these categories. Gentiles are pagans & non-Jews who are opposed to the Christian & Jewish doctrines. Christians are Christ like & invisibly-life styled sort of folks who are no longer slaves to sin but freed. While the Jews, the most important of all are the ancient Hebrews from the Tribe & Kingdom of Judah. The Jews got the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. (But Hey! Listen! He’s my Savior & King too, Okay?). Keep in Mind that when Adam sinned, sin entered the entire human race (Romans 15:12-21). The Penalty for Sin is death in Hell Fire, & by nature all must die in Hell cos of Adam’s sins. But God Prophesied in the Garden of Eden when He interrogated the Devil who came to deceive Eve in the form of a serpent; God said, “The offspring of the woman shall strike you on your head, while you’ll strike at his heel.” (Genesis 3:15). God’s incomparable Love practically displayed reality as part of the fulfilled prophecy when Jesus Christ ( the offspring of the woman) was born into the world as our Messiah, My King of all Kings, my Savior & our Sovereign Ruler & Leader. The purpose of Jesus Christ’s coming into the world as a human being was to fulfill God’s good purposes of Predestined Redemption Plan (first for the Jews) for the entire human race who by nature are doomed to die cos of Adam’s sin (Romans 1:16, 17, Psalm 51:5), due to the curse. God can only avert this curse of which all must die in Hell Fire by sending Jesus Christ to be that curse & die that death on the Cross of Calvary. Now, cos Jesus Christ is raised already from the grave; our dominion over sin & death becomes established by our belief in that death on the Cross for our sake & this dominion is also established by our own established Christ like lifestyle (Ephesians 2:1-22). As such, we’re not saved from the powers of death & hell cos we deserve it, but cos of God’s incomparable mercies. This is why we can only have life or live life to or in its fullness when we belief in Jesus Christ, which includes doing what Jesus Christ did & doing as he said we should (John 10:10, 1st Corinthians 15:21-23, 54-58). Now does this mean that the Jews will not be saved from the Powers of sin, death & Hell? Not at all. It was in God’s Eternal Plan as the Jews rejected Jesus Christ’s Teachings of Salvation & got Him killed on the Cross of Calvary to make way for the Gentiles to believe & have Eternal Life. (Impartiality Displayed). The Jews at that time were serving under the Ancient Roman Empire; they were expecting one who would lead a revolt against the Roman Empire & give them independence. But it was not so cos the time wasn’t ripe. They opposed Jesus Christ & his Disciples cos their Teachings out rightly contradicted the strong Ethical & Monotheistic doctrines of Judaism as there existed Proselytizing Zealous Judaist converts at that time. Judaism is a Monotheistic religion that’s based on the Laws & Teachings of the Holy Scripture & the Talmud. The Holy Scripture focuses more on Mosaic Ordinances & the Old Testament part of the Holy Bible (from Genesis to Malachi), while the Talmud is the collection of writings constituting the Jewish Civil & religious Law; it’s made up of the Mishnah as the Text & Gemara as the Commentary. The Mishnah is mostly compiled by Distinguished Rabbis & contains traditional oral interpretations of scriptural ordinances. The Gemara is the supplementary part (I’ll stop my analysis here in order to perish 3rd Party’s thoughts & imaginations). God’s plan of Salvation was initially made to begin from the Jews mostly & accepted by the Jews. But only a few number of Jews accepted Salvation. God in His All-Knowing ability knew that sooner or later every Jew would become Jealous & begin to want God’s Salvation for themselves. The fact is that if Abraham, Jesus Christ’s Disciples & the Early Biblical Prophets are God’s People, then their descendants will most definitely be God’s people. Israel’s eyes were shut so they couldn’t prevent the death of Jesus Christ. He was judged & sentenced to death on the Cross at night when all others were fast asleep so as to prevent a revolt by the Fans of Jesus Christ. In essence, if the Jews hadn’t offered Jesus Christ to be killed, I’ll not be saved & if there were no Jews, there would be no Messianic Emergence of Jesus Christ. This is why when I think of the Jews, the Israelis, I think of Jesus Christ, My King of Glory & I really can’t wait for His 2nd Coming. The Jews suffered greatly in the hands of their enemy neighbors (The Gentiles) due to their unbelief, but that did not in any way & by any manner of means deter their Ever-persistency as a Nation & an invincible Entity cos they prevailed with God in the past & will most definitely prevail with men presently & infinitely (Genesis 35:10-15, Genesis 32:22-32). Israel’s suffering began as a result of idolatry at the end of their 900 years of Theocratic Government. God chose some Gentile governments characterized as world powers to bring about chastisement on the Jews. These periods of Gentile dominance was classified by Jesus Christ as “the Times of the Gentiles” in Luke 21:24. God Himself sees these Gentile dominant Governments as ravenous beast coming into the earth like lambs, ruling as wolves & speaking as dragons. So, some of the Jews are temporarily cut off from God. The Gentile World Powers are/were BABYLON (2100-689 BC), MEDO- PERSIA (538 BC), GREECE (331 BC), PAGAN ROME (168 BC -476 AD), PAPAL ROME (538 AD), USA (1798 AD) & finally the expected antichrist under/as the Revived ROMAN EMPIRE to be; whose author & founder of Paganism is fallen Lucifer, the Ancient Serpent. God told Prophet Jeremiah something about Babylon (including other successive Gentile World Powers) & Nebuchadnezzar who was king at that time (Jeremiah 27:5-8); “By my great power, I’ve made the earth & all mankind & every animal; & I give these things of mine to anyone I want to. So now, I’ve given all your countries to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, who’s my Deputy………………. All the nations shall serve him & his son & his grandsons until his time is up…………… Submit to him & serve him, put your neck under Babylon’s yoke! I’ll punish every nation refusing to be his slave; I’ll send war, famine & disease upon that nation until he has conquered it.” God showed king Nebuchadnezzar in a dream a great image that represented some of these Gentile world Powers while the other Gentile world powers were shown to Prophet Daniel & John the Brother of Jesus Christ. Prophet Daniel happened to be among the exiled Jews in 597 BC who was then chosen to interpret the dream (Daniel 2:149). Babylon is an ancient city in the Lower valley of Tigris & Euphrates Rivers. Babylonia is an ancient empire in Southwest Asia. Babylon is also used to describe any city or place that’s famous for great wealth, luxury, extreme wickedness & vice. God also described the nature of these Gentile governments in Daniel 7. Babylon was represented by a lion with the wings of an Eagle; symbolizing strength & swiftness. Babylon’s Power was an absolute Monarchy & was characterized as the Head of Gold with a strong unity in Daniel 2. Medo-Persia is derived from Medes & Persia. A Mede is a native or inhabitant of Media. Media is an ancient Kingdom in the part of Southwest Asia which is currently Northwest Iran. Persia was the former official name of/for Iran. Persian Empire occupies an area that includes the Indus River (in South Asia flowing from Southwest Tibet thru Kashmir & West Pakistan, between Afghanistan & Tibet into the Arabian Sea; it measures about 1900 miles. Tibet is an autonomous region of Southwest China, occupying a high plateau area north of the Himalayas. It got a population of about 1.321 Million people & a total land area of about 471,600 square miles) to the West Borders of Asia minor & Egypt. It was founded by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC & conquered by Alexander the Great in 328 BC. Medo-Persia was pictured by God in Daniel 7 as a Bear with Three Ribs in its mouth; symbolizing slowness & brute strength. Its power was a Monarchy but limited by hereditary aristocracy. It was characterized as the breast & arms of silver in Daniel 2 & theirs was a dual-powered government for real. The Grecian Empire originates from Greece-the country in the South Balkan Peninsula, which includes many islands in the Aegean, Ionian & Mediterranean seas. Its land area is about 50,534 square miles with a population of about 8.612 Million people. Its founder was Alexander the Great, King of Macedonia. He was a Military conqueror who helped to spread Greek culture from Asia Minor, & Egypt to India in a period of 12 Years. He ruled from 356-323 BC. Macedonia is an ancient Kingdom in Southeast Europe in the South Balkan Peninsula. It’s currently occupied by Greece, Yugoslavia & Bulgaria. Greece is represented in Daniel 2 as the belly & thighs of Bronze & portrayed in Daniel 7 by a leopard with four wings & four heads. Keep in mind that after Alexander’s early death at the age of 33 (he was killed by fatigue & disease & also killed by his gay lover if I’m not mistaken) the empire was divided among his 4 Generals. These Principal successors were Ptolemy 1 of Egypt, Selecus of Babylonia, Antigonus of Syria & Asia Minor & Antipater of Macedonia & Greece. Greek’s power was a form of Monarchy that’s characterized by Military Leadership. And theirs was a quadruple-powered government for real. The Roman Empire originates from the ancient Rome. It was established in 27 BC by Augustus as the 1st Roman Emperor from 27 BC to 14 AD. He’s known as Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus by name as the grand nephew of Julius Caesar. The Roman Empire includes West & South Europe, Britain, Asia Minor, North Africa & East Mediterranean lands which was then divided in 395 AD into the Eastern Roman Empire & the Western Roman Empire by Emperor Flavius Theodosius. In fact one of its Capital was Constantinople; the former name for the current Istanbul, the capital City of Turkey. Constantinople was known as the ancient Byzantium from 395-1453 AD. This Empire was overthrown by a Barbarian called Odoacer, the 1st non-Roman, non-Greek & non-Christian ruler of Italy from 476-493 AD. Daniel 2 describes this Empire as the legs of Iron while Daniel 7 pictured it by a non descript beast with iron teeth, 10 horns & another little horn rising to prominence. Rome came into power 50 years BC. It was a Kingdom of the Caesars with divided Authority & her power was made up of a mixture of Totalitarianism & Democracy. The Roman Empire was unarguably the wickedest Gentile Government whose bloodshed stands immeasurable. Time would fail me if I begin to mention the likes of General Titus Flavius Sabinius Vespasianus of 39-81 AD who slaughtered 1 million Jews & ordered the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70; Emperor Vespasianus of 9-79 AD; Pontius Pilate of the 1st century AD, the Roman Procurator of Judaea, Samaria & Idumaea who condemned Jesus Christ to be crucified & also killed or butchered some Jews from Galilee as they were sacrificing at the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 13:1-5); Emperor Domitan of 51-96 AD; Emperor Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus aka Constantine of 280-337 AD, the founder of Catholicism; Benito Mussolini, the Italian Fascist Prime Minister & Dictator of 1883-1945; Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Drucus Germanicus born Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus of 37-68 AD & Adolf Hitler, the Austrian-born German Nazi & Fascist Dictator of 1889-1945 who slaughtered or annihilated over 10 million European Jews before & during the World War II; these & many more were products of the Pagan & Papal Roman Empire. The Pope as the head of the Roman Empire was taken captive by the French Army acting under the Orders of Napoleon Bonaparte, a member of the Corsican family around or within the periods of the year 1798. During this period, the USA was declared as the next world super power coming up outta the earth as described in Revelation 13:11-18. The American Empire is portrayed by a two-horned beast like a lamb. This speaks more of youthfulness, innocence & gentle character. Its fundamental principles were formerly based on Republicanism, Democracy & Protestantism. But a striking contradiction is observed when this two-horned beast speaks as a dragon. The USA is 238 years old already & in 12 years time she will be 250 years old. We’re expecting more dragons like voices before she gives way for the final gentile world power- the ANTICHRIST, from the revived Roman Empire whose government system would be the NEW WORLD ORDER & her religion would be evolution. I believe the bone of contention among these successive gentile governments is the wealth of Palestine. My next topic is on Israel’s repentance, conversion, transformation & the fulfillment of Jerusalem’s Prophecy as the Capital of the World. God bless Israel, God bless Nigeria & God bless you all. SHALOM.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 12:56:13 +0000

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