LIFE IN ANTIOCH Far too many people are getting desensitized to - TopicsExpress


LIFE IN ANTIOCH Far too many people are getting desensitized to the violence and crime that others are experiencing daily. Literally, they can read and think, oh how awful or watch the news and think, oh how awful. Some have even changed their lives as to when and where they shop, eat, and socialize. Many other have intentionally found other routes to get to that store, doctor appointment, school, etc. Below are just a couple of unsolicited comments from various people about how they feel and their experiences. PLEASE, add to your experience(s). WAKE UP! WE ARE IN A WAR ZONE!! AS A YOUNG MOTHER: XXXXX I feel the exact same. Unfortunately I am only 29 and have 3 kids attending school here. Its horrible and I feel so guilty everyday dropping them off at school . Knowing what they will have to deal with there. Living here is robbing my children of a childhood. They cant play outside on there bikes or with neighborhood kids. We avoid parks and my kids dont even ask to go as its not even an option. It is truly sad and makes my stomach hurt even thinking about it. I dream of a day when we can feel safe in our home, take my kids to the park without worrying a stray bullet will hit them or someone robbing us AS A GRANDMOTHER: Call me stupid! I just dont understand why in the years past.. we never heard of this type of behavior!!! Who acts like that????? I am so sick of this GROSS BEHAVIOR for these NEW people to Antioch! I wish they would all go back to their home towns! What is weird to me.. is I have never known people that act that way! How sad.. you are right.. they were probably raised that way. all I can say is I DONT THINK THEY WERE RAISED IN ANTIOCH!!! I get so sad and start to get depressed over Antiochs situation.. Im glad of my retired husband because I am uncomfortable going out even grocery shopping anymore! Heck.. I need to do something fun to get my mind off this. As A WITNESS: She said a female has a sludge hammer and was breaking in all windows on a car with it. Another female was using her car to run into another can over and over APD finally got her to stop and she was arrested. One BMA was reported to have a gun in his pants and APD has not searched him yet he is just sitting on the curb not cuffed or checks. Neighbors seen the gun. I hope he doesnt decide to use it. A bunch of other people are coming from everywhere to the scene. Multiple people leaving from the house and heading to the park located on Wild Horse. Reports of a gun found inside the house FROM A MOTHER: I have read,saw the news and listen to my scanner,I thought this is really horrible.people in our community living through this.Well this morning Im sitting at McDonalds when it was robbed,and to be honest I was scared shitless(sorry).but to be a spectator,and actually seeing it,is different.I will fight with all I have to help stop the violance,please everyone tell your family and friends,about the recall,and the fight to stop this.AND PLEASE TELL YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO BE AWARE OF THINGS GOING ON AROUND THEM.....STAY SAFE.. FROM A MOTHER: I understand how you feel.. I have 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren in elementary school... they attend a private Christian school which costs a lot.. but my daughters do without a lot..because they feel it is a necessary.. Gone are the days of even leaving the WINDOWS OPEN in the house ! As far as outside play is concerned.. my grandchildren are SUPERVISED even in the backyard! Always worried that some one could jump over the fence..etc... I live in a very nice area in Antioch.. custom homes... my neighbor was in her kitchen cooking dinner in her beautiful home.. and saw 3 young masked men jump over her fence! She has 3 children under 10 years old... Thank God her husband as home.. heard her yell.. he tackled one of the guys... the police got him.. but the other two got away with their MASKS & GUNS! FROM A FATHER: We had a shooting occur on our street a few month back in with a few bullet wound up in the side of a neighbors truck(he was not involved nor was his truck the target). After this incident I moved my daughters bed from her room at the front of the house into my sons room at the rear of the house. Luckily they are 2 and 4 and get along great but it is still unfortunate that we have to take such measures to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 18:13:51 +0000

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