LUNCH WTH THE ASCENDED MASTERS, ANGELICS and GALACTICS August 1, 2014, 12:10 p.m. [Would anyone in the Company of Heaven like to speak with me today and what would you like to say? Please identify yourself. Thank you.] “It is I, Hercules. Today I would like to talk about Mastership. What is Mastership, you ask? Mastership is the art of being so in control of what you think and do that it is not really “control” at all – it is that you have mastered direction of your thoughts and actions to be in line with your heart center, so much so, that you are in a constant state of FLOW. Mastership is no longer a conscious effort, but a state of being. There have been few throughout time that have been able do this and most of you think of them as sitting on a mountaintop somewhere in Tibet, with no possessions, or contact with the “outer world”. And yes, some masters have achieved this state of Mastership through this sort of isolation – but we, in the Company of Heaven, tell you now that this is not necessary! …as more of you who are awake or who are awakening are discovering on a day to day basis. Mastership is merely a process of “going into your knowing”, rather than your thinking. When you move from your head space to your heart space (we like to also call it the “heartmind”) – in all that you do – then this, my Beloveds, is Mastership. It is indeed your natural state. You know of me and my story from your “myths” (note the quotes) and television shows, so you are indeed surprised to hear from me in this way, are you not? In fact, Dear Scribe, you are recalling now a cartoon in which I had a magical belt I pulled to become strong and invincible – and in fact, what you are thinking of was a depiction of my brethren Sinbad [laughter] in your beloved 1970s Saturday morning cartoons, but yes, in a cartoon of the same era (one that you loved as a child but have vague memory of), I was depicted with a similar belt in some instances. And do you know that, as with Sinbad, such a belt was around my SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – my POWER CENTER? Do you see how cleverly that was depicted by your cartoonists who, with no conscious understanding of that depiction, were exactly correct in placing the magical belt over the POWER center of our chakra system? You see, Dear Ones, how we recognize and use our “magical” abilities and power is to first understand that our abilities and power to create, and do, ARE LIMITLESS and we are then able to tap into that – AS IS EACH AND EVERY SENTIENT BEING in the entire Multiverse! These incredible feats are why, Dear Ones, they made myths of us even though we truly did walk your planet in bodily form at one time. They merely elevated us to the status of gods since they had not figured out that they could do the same things themselves! In fact, they could. And you can! This is the power of the energy contained in your heartmind! As those who understand this say, “THOUGHTS ARE THINGS – USE THEM WISELY!” And didn’t your Sananda, in his incarnation as Jesus once say, “Is it not written in your Law, I have said you are gods? Indeed my brother did say that. (We call each other brothers because we are One, in case this sounds strange to you.) Indeed, Sananda and I just got a chuckle out of the fact that he just said, that HIS story easily could have been the cartoon and mine the “scripture” but the way it turned out it was the other way around. [great laughter!] You see, we are both equally “real” and available to you, and as a part of the Company of Heaven, we love and assist and also learn from you endlessly. It is just your outpicturing by the People which decided which us were elevated to such exalted and historical statuses – the others they made “myths”. And while it is true, we indeed do hold different offices and specialties, I would not have wanted to have been in Sananda’s place in that incarnation 2,000 Earth years ago. He is telling me, “Yea, I took a lot of flak in that lifetime.” [more laughter]. But back to your Hercules, I tell you this Masters, it was not my physical strength that was my greatest asset but my strength of mind. My KNOWING that I COULD engage in incredible feats beyond that of ordinary humans not because I was stronger than them – though in many cases my body was more fit, but because I convinced myself through INTENTION and BELIEF that I could do these things! And so I did! And in changing my thoughts to reflect this intention and belief, I removed all barriers to that which would have been impossible to others, and even myself. You see, Dear Ones, Mastership is not an end goal, it is a way of being. A way of KNOWING that is so solid in its foundation of the understanding and usage of the power of the human heart and mind (“heartmind”) – that ANYTHING – yes ANYTHING can be CREATED and/or accomplished! Do you now see Dear Ones that even physical matter, including solid structures, barriers, and especially that which is created in fear, is merely an OUTPICTURING of thoughts that have been called into agreement? I will give you an example. What is a tree? A tree is a sentient, living, breathing (yes, use your device called a stethoscope to hear this) being - but what makes it a “tree”? It is a tree because you collectively agree that it is a tree! Is this not so? Thus, you see, when you have the power to create agreement all over the world, or all in one culture, or all in one language, or all in one household, what a “tree” is – how much more so do you (disappointingly) create the collective belief for the “need” for war, class structure, poverty, hunger, lack…. Do you see how powerful the mind is, especially when coupled with the intention of the heart (whether it be for Dark or Light)? Beloveds, please understand this: war, poverty, lack, environmental destruction, hatred, and other negative creations are not your natural Divine state. These were created as a tool by those who would benefit from these structures to gorge themselves with power and resources taken all for themselves, when power and resources in abundance were meant for ALL. And then you , however unknowingly, went into agreement with that. Because that is how you thought it was. To use yours phrase, “It is, what it is.” I tell you this is NOT the way it is supposed to be, and which Dear Ones, it IS, do you understand this? (This is the part Beloveds, where you understand that in order to change your reality, and indeed the reality of your entire planet – you must change only one thing. YOUR THOUGHTS!) The entire point of this message my Dear Humans. Frankly, we in the Company of Heaven are indignant that the ones who know they have already been defeated continue to pillage and plunder the Peoples and your planet, and while we are just and fair, they, those you call the cabal and their supporters are only “digging their holes deeper” as they writhe in their death throes of their last moments of sense of control on your mother Gaia. We can only say, that when we say we are “bringing the hammer down” we wish to impart an image of my dear brother Thor, and for you to see what we have intended in the way of swift justice that is now swooping down from the Heavens upon your beautiful water world. No Dear Ones, now I know what you are thinking, but this is not a portention of any sort of mass destruction. You left that timeline some time ago when enough of you raised your vibration sufficiently to ascend to the 5th dimension along with Mother Earth and all her beloved inhabitants! You are already there! So, this must surely bring clarity to you now. Since your planet is already in the higher vibrations of the 5th Dimension, one where love, peace, harmony, joy and abundance abounds for all, do you not see why those of lower vibration – those of the cabal, those in greed, those in hate, those in fear, those who choose lack (and it is a choice) and the ones who are acting out, are creating the events you see on your planet now – those which seem to be “ramping up”, as you say? They CANNOT tolerate the higher vibration and while all have a choice to raise theirs, some sadly have chosen not to, at this time. They will. All will. But Free Will allows them to be in choice and while we will not allow large scale destruction ever again on your planet – the negativity you see is just their “little final tantrums” – as we in the Company of Heaven like to call it (though we never underestimate the trouble they cause) – which is why, we are corralling them – do not worry – “we got this covered”, but still do your part in exposing them and standing up to them, since this clean-up of the cabal and their minions on your planet is a “team effort” between humans and we who oversee our beloved Earth and her beings. And we ARE victorious!!! So, no Beloveds, the “bad guys” as you so term them, are not “ramping up” – they are “dying off” – and this is merely their endgame histrionics, their final tantrums and “petulant foot-stamping” as this Scribe likes to term it – of the loss of their power and control, and the return of the Republic to its people. Now, we do not mean that to align with any political group or ideology which may wish to use that term. (Since some are misusing it for yet again their own agenda, as Free Will will allow) – but we mean a return to the concept upon which your Earth and countries were founded: sovereignty. And by this we mean the sovereignty of every sentient being: rocks, minerals, streams, oceans, plants, animals and humans, to be free, individually sovereign beings, with the ability to pursue joy, happiness, prosperity, love, and anything which is desired and soon to be more easily achievable , while harming none nor taking from others what is freely given by Prime Creator. And we in the Company of Heaven could not be more pleased that this is now upon you and your planet, and it is so close that we will again use the term “a breath away”. Wait for it no longer Dear Ones! Begin claiming and practicing your sovereignty now and in very short order, with our assistance, you shall see your world transformed in ways you could have never even imagined! Should you need assistance with remembering your Divine and sovereign nature, please feel free to call on me, and it need not be so elaborate as the cartoon theme song in my honor:” “Hercules, Hero of song and story. Hercules, winner of ancient glory. Fighting for the right, Fighting with his might, With the strength of ten, ordinary men. Hercules, people are safe when near him. Hercules, only the evil fear him. Softness in his eyes, Iron in his thighs, Virtue in his heart, Fire in every part, Of the Mighty Hercules.” We in the Company of Heaven are With You Always in Loving Embrace, I Am, Your Hercules via Aleasha Lewis, EarthTouch Healing Arts, Batlimore, Maryland
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 17:24:12 +0000

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