Long, long week. Short on help I am trying to carry more and more - TopicsExpress


Long, long week. Short on help I am trying to carry more and more of the load and have been doing pretty well, exhausted at night and behind in everything other than animal care (paperwork, photos, grant researching has to be put on the back shelf or delegated to others). Yesterday at o dark thirty as i was turning out the first group in the new kennel ,in the dark (new lights do help a lot though), things were going well. One little munchkin said carry me out so I had Nibbles under my left arm a jug of water for their bowls in my right hand and happy babies surrounding my feet as I walked through two yards to coax them into theirs. In an instant things changed as I caught my foot on a sapling stubble sticking out of the ground and went down on both knees and my left arm like a ton on bricks. Poor little Nibbles went down with me and I land partially on Tina who yelped and scooted out of my path and only got a glancing blow of my bulk as it went down like a felled tree. Nibbles took off yelping and hide in a dog house while I lay there now with 15 little Chis and Poodles surrounding me whining and wagging as if to say Dag on Mama that was not smart and it was scarey too! I started talking to them and testing my knees and left arm and told the babies Mama is very happy as nothing seems to be broken. Diagnosed with osteopenia, the pre curser to osteoporosis, I break easier now that I did, when I fall. So I was delighted that this did not appear to be the case. The pups then decided while I was down there flat on my stomach with an entire jug of fresh water for their bowls pouring over my legs, they might as well take advantage and pile on top of me and make a game out of it. So while I started off like all mornings, in clean clothes and smelling good, in a split second I went to cover with mud and dog kisses and or course the mandatory hair that goes with it. Add to that the Oh I think this is fun and I want to be in on it but I am just a little scared so I think I have to pee, of two of the shier Chis, Honey Bee and Daisey my fresh clothes morning went down hill fast. Finally got up, walked over to check on Nibbles who was still hiding in the dog house looking at me now like I was the Monster from the Black Lagoon. She was unhurt and finally came out and kissed my outstretched hand. I would have stayed there crouching in front of the house to further assure her all was okay but an intense pain that shot through my back after the adrenalin had subsided told me I had better try to straighten up while I could. Yep jerked the heck out of my lower back and now am in bright white pain, can not sit down and then get back up without wanting to scream so standing seems the best bet. I was much slower as I cleaned the new kennel. The lower cages I actually did laying on my stomach and scooting along the floor much less painful that way until had to try to stand. The catteries and the rest of the work hurt and I never realized what a blessing it is to be able to freely bend over and pick something up and naturally I dropped everything I handled. Had to pass on some of my chores and let Lisa and Brandon do them I was too slow to keep up with everything. Hopefully this morning will be better and I can get back to full speed soon. Not much sleep last night could not get comfortable but I think I am a little better. I hope the pups are not to disappointed if I do not put on a flying Wallenda act this morning to amuse them, not too sure my body could take another performance so soon after yesterdays. And when I spoke with my dear friend and adopted lil sis, yesterday she laughed until she almost cried as I described my lack of grace. Wow so not the reaction I expected, come on sis could you not find a little sympathy for an old lady in distress. But as much as I love you I am glad I could give you a chuckle maybe if I break something the next time you will really get a major belly laugh, Obviously sympathy is not something I will come to you for in the event of an injury. LOL. But then again if you were my real sister you probably would have reacted the same so I guess it is a sign on inclusion into your inner circle. Too many, as you say Tom and Jerry cartons and Road Runner flick growing up I guess. LOL.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 11:03:25 +0000

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