MARRIAGE IS PROVISION Marriage is a celebrated Islamic - TopicsExpress


MARRIAGE IS PROVISION Marriage is a celebrated Islamic tradition encouraged by both Allah SWT and His Prophet SAW. So, is it a material provision or spiritual provision? If you choose a spouse for beauty, material status, worldly gains, worldly success, out of desire and temptation than this is a low provision which can harm you in this life and the hereafter. This will eventually result in a disgrace and downfall for you and for Islam. Imagine what would happen if our criteria of choosing a spouse is their love of Allah, love ofRasulAllah SAW, love of Islam, their concern of gaining the pleasure of Allah and the elevation of Islam? This will not only support us in our journey of iman but will lead us to the attainment of ultimate high provision which is the Love of Allah SWT. This will result in the elevation of our own-selves and Islam. This will help us remain steadfast in our journey of acquiring the love of Allah, the journey of setting a role model, living the qualities beloved to Allah and leaving behind a legacy-in other words, spreading the mercy of Allah on earth which is the purpose of our creation. What do you think now? Has your criteria changed? Would you choose a husband or a wife for the love of Allah? It goes back to your goal in life and what you really want. Do you want a child beloved to Allah and blessed by Him SWT? Do you want a relationship that can honor you in this life and the hereafter? Do you want to leave behind a child who can be sadaqa jariya (continuous charity) for you by carrying the noble message of Islam to humanity? Do you have the desire of attaining the highest provision of Allah on earth and in the hereafter? Try to develop the thinking and the realization about which rizq (provision) you are seeking and aiming to achieve. Once this thinking is developed, all your actions will then stem from this and attainment of your goal will be easier. CONCLUSION All our lives we have believed rizq to be material possessions such as car, money, status, job, children etc. Did we ever think about the other, deeper dimension of rizq like the love of Allah, spiritual attainments, wisdom and vision from Allah? The highest provision is a believers love of His Lord SWT. When this love is inculcated in the heart, it then radiates onto other people and believers are able to generate a mutual bond based on love and mercy. Once involved in relationships of pure love with each other, just imagine what kind of happiness and pleasure we would gain in this life and the hereafter and what kind of great legacy will we be able to leave behind! What kind of continuous charity (sadaqa jariya) will Allah allow us to leave behind, either in the form of children through a blessed marriage we discussed earlier, or in the form of good deeds! The choice is simple and clear!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 07:59:23 +0000

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