MESSAGE FROM THE CRIME PREVENTION OFFICE: Beware!! An incident recently occurred which may be of interest to your resident group and we would ask that this information be circulated. A man who is believed to be in his mid 30’s of heavy build driving a grey/silver type saloon vehicle called to a house of an elderly person. This man gained entry into the property and was met by the injured party in the kitchen of the house. This man stated he was from the pensions’ board and explained to the injured party that he owed him €600. This man was well spoken and dressed in professional attire. A money exchange took place and whilst the injured party was counting the money the man took the cash from his hand and made good his escape with over €1000 euro in cash. Please be advised that this may be an active scam in the Limerick area and this man may call to more houses. This culprit may also have accomplices who may call to houses. Money should NEVER be handed over to any unauthorised person who calls to your house. If this man or someone of a similar description is found driving around your area or attempting entry to any property you should call the Gardai immediately on 999 or alternatively Henry Street 061 212400. We ask that residents keep vigilant for this person travelling in a grey/silver saloon type car. Another current scam to be mindful of is one where a man dressed again in professional attire claiming to be from Water Ireland asking for cash for future water services. We would advise never to hand over cash or let any unauthorised person access to your property. I.D should be requested and if necessary a follow up phone call to verify credentials before engaging with any person who calls to your property. The Garda Crime file on Limericks Live 95FM on Wednesday the 29th of January will also offer some crime prevention advice regarding these type of callers to your home. We would appreciate if this information could be circulated throughout your resident group and if other residents could keep an eye out for these persons in the area and inform those who may be more vulnerable. ENDS
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 10:05:34 +0000

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