MY AMAZING STORY OF GOD’s GRACE PLEASE READ Did you ever have something you hear from church or from someone else stick with you? A line, a phrase, a scripture, something that you never forgot? Well I have. About 13 years ago, a music minister in a church that my brother Jeff attended passed away in a car accident. His encouragement often was that a, “a Christian is immortal until his work is done.” Essentially, follow God’s plan for you and he will use you, protect until your work is done. A neat phrase, very true, very real and something I and maybe many people never thought of. Often that phrase would pop in my head, I never truly understood why, until recently. In mid-January I was robbed at gun point during the day. I had something of value in my car that was taken. When asked for my wallet, it was not on me. I couldn’t find it. With a gun pointed at me, I panicked and couldn’t find it on my seat, on the floor or in the counsel, where I often throw it when I drive. As I was told, “Give me your (expletive)” wallet or I’ll blow you away and give me your keys. I handed my keys over. I still couldn’t find the wallet, the moment tensed up and I thought “wow.” Shockingly, I heard a voice in my head say, “A Christian is immortal until his work is done.” At that point I took that as “Wow, I guess it is my time,” I had the most calming feeling come over me in a “it is going to be ok” kind of way. I’m not the kind of person to question God and his timing so at that point with the anticipation of life ending, I thought to myself, “Wow, Wow, I had a lot of things I wanted to do with my life, but ok, I guess I’m ready.” It is truly a numbing thing to go through. Yes, it is true you do see your life flash in front of you in those moments. But as you now know since I’m writing this is, what I expected to happen didn’t. Immediately, I hear, “get his phone”, as the 2nd criminal went to grab the phone, I hear, “Gotta Go” he popped up, slugged me in the jaw and they took off running in separate directions with my key and the item they stole but no phone and no wallet. Now here’s the other two miracles. I popped up looked at my seat and there was my spare set of keys, (who leaves the spare in the car?) What perfect timing for that odd thing to happen. I drove off and reached in the counsel that my hand was in previously four times to look for my wallet. On the fifth time driving away, it was there. Sounds strange? Yeah, the counsel is extremely small. I think God kept me from finding it. I’m alive today because of some intervention from the higher power. Long story short, God has a plan for me and all of us. He protected me that day and he will protect each us until our purpose is done. The lesson for me? The chaotic things in life, frustrations, anger, disappointment really arent that important, make the most of it with the time the good Lord has blessed us with, give back, show kindness to others, make your work on this Earth a positive one and one that is a blessing to those around you. We dont know when our time and purpose is done. I guess if there was a stronger message then that, I don’t know what in the world it would be. Thanks for reading.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 04:06:13 +0000

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