Many may not understand why I sometimes fall apart in certain - TopicsExpress


Many may not understand why I sometimes fall apart in certain situations. My heart aches daily for those without a voice, those misunderstood, those stereo typed, those judged based on appearance or education. My heart breaks when I see someone with so much potential being misunderstood. Some days I truly wish we all could see what lies within the heart of these amazing individuals. I pray that we all learn to see with Spiritual eyes! I pray we all are blessed with the ability to see others the way God does. Look beyond the surface and see the truth within every heart. Stop drawing attention to someone elses limitations by assuming they are a problem. More often than not, the problem is you. It is the ones who stand out from the crowd that we can learn the most from. TRAPPED INSIDE, AUTISM REVEALED By Karin Spraberry West Autism is misunderstood and these precious children are hurt unnecessarily. My son was diagnosed with Autism at age 3. He went from being a happy, healthy toddler, to a child that hardly interacted with us. He could not communicate his feelings and often would throw tantrums. He emerged from his prison around age seven with a message that I will never forget! This is his story, his words and his victory. My son would often repeat words he heard or mimic behaviors, but not really communicate. Shortly after turning age 7 things changed. Billy Graham was on the TV and I could hear him repeating the words he was hearing from the TV. The difference that day was that he said more than what he heard. He looked at me and said Momma; autism is going to leave! I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, old things are gone and that means autism has to leave. Now this was the first time my son had really communicated anything to me. Was it God speaking through him? Well I have to believe it was. My son never stopped denying autism and I am glad he continued to do it. I unfortunately had a hard time believing that autism would leave. After all the doctors said this would be something that would never go away. I believed the negative doctors reports, while my son continually said Autism would leave. I regret everyday not believing him. I regret everyday not having faith enough to know that all things were possible with God. As the years passed, my son slowly emerged from the prison of autism, into an amazing young man. He fought hard against the doctor’s reports and yes he fought me. I had a hard time believing that he could overcome what doctors had said he never would. But I saw with my own eyes as the years passed by, that autism was indeed leaving him. He had grown into a man of great integrity! He is a loyal friend and boyfriend. He drives, has a job, is in college and has a girlfriend. He has ambition and drive that no one can talk him out of! He believed God with all of his heart and God made him brand new. Today my son is 25 years old and you cannot tell he ever was imprisoned by Autism. I learned a lot from my son over his 25 years of life. Most of all, I learned that nothing is impossible with God. I am honored to say that he is my son! I am so proud of him for fighting against a disability that stole his voice. I am thankful everyday that God gave him the courage and drive to fight for his place in this world. He told me although he could not communicate with me, he still could understand. He said he would throw fits sometimes in school because; they talked about him as if he was not there. God gave him a voice and I believe someday my son will tell his story in great detail. For now, please know that just because someone cannot communicate well, does not mean they do not understand. Next time you are around an individual that cannot speak, dont assume that means they dont understand. They may just be trapped inside themselves and need someone to be their voice until they can speak on their own. May we all learn to be a voice for those who have no voice. May we all learn that every situation can change, with faith. My sons transformation had nothing to do with my faith and everything to do with his. He denied autism, and autism had to go. Learn from my son and deny the negative doctors reports and believe God! When a child is different from the rest, never assume they should be treated differently. How will they ever learn if they are sheltered from experiencing the same things at their peers? They may need a little guidance at first but nothing is impossible with God. Our biggest mistake is treating them differently, when all they truly want is to be treated like everyone else. We should never draw attention to another persons differences. Unfortunately that is exactly what you do when you isolate them from their peers. 1 Corinthians 5:17- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. May God bless you with faith, wisdom, understanding, and love today and always. #Autism #Salvation #new #past #present #healed #TrappedInside #life #miracles #doubt #unbelief #truth #God #children #listen #perseverance #KarinSpraberryWest #cerebralpalsy #trust #healing #victory #childlikefaith #BillyGraham #Christian #Evangelism #BillyGrahamCrusades
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:02:18 +0000

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