Mercury Turns Retrograde (October 21, 2013) Noticing a shift in - TopicsExpress


Mercury Turns Retrograde (October 21, 2013) Noticing a shift in those Neural Nets lately? Miscues, misunderstandings and mistakes piling up? Well, then you should know what this means by now. Yes, there is a change in the Astral Weather and those Mercurial, Mindful Energies are shifting around, and so you need to follow along with Hermes who is here to take you on another three week rendezvous with your Self-Awareness. I wrote of this turning in my General Forecast for 2013: Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio (October 21 until November 10) The third and final of the three Mercury retrogrades in Water will take you to your depths to consider the nature of your unions. Many plans will be put on hold now, as you should re-consider what you are gaining versus giving up in any venture. The question is are you making the right sacrifice...or are you in fact the sacrifice itself. You are here to grow, period. Sometimes you sally forth, stretching, reaching further, climbing higher, seeking that next plane of awakening-becoming-being, that greater realm, a more Supernal Light. And sometimes, sometimes you must turn around and go back, to remember, to review and renew... And know this...All of this good, All of this is true. It is just that sometimes you wish to go forward when it is in fact your time to turn back. But this is The Way, all Life is Cyclic, and you must experience all of this, the spiraling down and the soaring upwards if you are to become what you are destined to be. And so you will need to be attentive to that gentle breeze that signals a change, and you will, if you do, hear that loving whisper that reminds you of the need for balance. And so you must turn, for you have this opportunity to go back now, you need to go back and make yourself more whole. You will do this by bringing many seemingly unconnected threads of your life together...You need them, you need what you might have left undone, you need to recall what was forgotten, and you must take this opportunity to release what has held you back. You need this pause to review and repair, and from this you will grow and move that much closer to the Greater Understanding...For this is the Way, this is how you weave your Robe of Glory, this is your Self-Becoming as you create for yourself a Wondrous Raiment of Spiritual Light. Do not be troubled by the little (and yes, the not so little annoyances now), of what you have misplaced, the things that do not function as advertised, those thoughts misheard or misspoken...Yes, do not be troubled by this for you (and everyone else) are a work in progress...And the first lesson on your path of Self-Becoming is to be Humble, to acknowledge and accept your imperfections, to take careful note of them, and then resolve to do that much better...and you will lift yourself, and your world, a little higher. For the next three weeks, this retrograde in Scorpio will bring you the opportunity to better Understand how you in fact become more of who you are meant to be through Sacrifice and Union. That it is precisely by this Weaving Way, through this Dance of Spirit, it is by this that you are formed and are transformed by your Unions with one another. For any true Union is Transformational, in that by combining with one another you will experience Spiritual Magic, whereby one plus one does not equal merely two, but oftentimes much, much more...And even more than this, it is by this joining that you may find the potential to totally transform the very content or character of what you produce as well. Yet, it is also true, that if the wrong combination is formed, or for the wrong reasons, or upon disparate or contrary values, if this is so then the outcome can be quite the reverse, and less is obtained than what was offered up. The Union fails and the individuals or group will suffer a loss, hope will fail and fear will grow. The key will be found in this: are the parties in question, whether two coming into union or the many, do they have compatible core values upon which they may form this union, and are they willing and able to exercise the proper discernment to make the rightful, sacred sacrifice of ego and not the false sacrifice of self? This is what Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio is for, this is why you need this. You need to discover what is more truly you, and what is less so. You must learn to hold to that which is true in you, while you also honor the very same in the other too. And if, by chance you discover that you have enough between, That there is more here that binds than divides, Then the Sacrifice you each can and must make, Will bring you closer to your own true Selves and to one another too. Well then, it will have been worth this pause, this time of turning back well spent... To get it right, to be true to oneself and to something greater too. For you are here to move past the Illusion of Separation, You are here to Experience this Joy, to become one with One Another, You are here To Grow. - See more at: astrologerbillattride.typepad/astrologer-bill-attride/2013/10/mercury-turns-retrograde-october-21-2013.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AstrologerBillAttride+%28Astrologer+Bill+Attride%29#sthash.CujXWGQv.dpuf
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:41:41 +0000

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