Message: 201402003 Praise the Lord everyone! I give honor to my - TopicsExpress


Message: 201402003 Praise the Lord everyone! I give honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the men and women who serve Him Text: Psalm 143:10 Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness. Subject: Learning to do God’s Will David a man after God’s own heart wrote this particular text. He asked, God to teach him to do His will. God anointed David to be king of Israel, but God’s will required that David have a submissive heart. David went through some things before he became the king of Israel. Most of us are like David, and God needs to teach us how to do His will. In order to do God’s will, God has to change us into a people with submissive hearts also. We like David have a desire to do God’s Will, but we didn’t have the submissive heart that God requires. We are anointed but not appointed because we are too wrapped up in our own little worlds. We know the Word says a relationship with the world destroys our relationship with God, but what does it mean. What is the world? Who is in the world’s system? Where is the world’s system? These are question that we can no longer answer on our own. There was a time when things were much clearer than they are now because we are so tied up in this world’s system, we don’t really know what God’s Will is for our lives. We don’t know how to listen for that still small voice, so we don’t really know just how much He means to our everyday lives. What part He plays. Our idea of what we think God’s Will requires is very different than what God changes us into. He changes us into what He requires and not what we think He deserves. We can’t know the will of God if we don’t know God. If we don’t know God who are we really serving? Anyone can seek to be in God’s Will. The problem is can you recognize when God is moving on you to teach you His Will. A compromised heart and life will not understand the process of change because it related to the knowledge and understanding of this world. Again, to be friends with the world makes you an enemy of God. The enemy offered Eve the knowledge of this world by giving her a choice of the knowledge of good and evil or eternal life by staying in obedience to God’s will. She choose the knowledge of this world over the obedience to God’s Will which led to the fall of all mankind. It’s not all on her because Adam knew better. She just didn’t have a submissive heart. How did it get that way? The scriptures never tells us, but we can conclude it had something to do with a lack of respect for her husband and God’s will. Without a submissive heart we cannot possibly be in God’s Will. We can work ourselves to death in the body and still not be in God’s Will. We have a template on how we are to live. It is the written Word of God, but who can interpret it. That is where the fivefold ministry comes in to teach us what we should be doing, but are we being entertained instead of being taught. Our emotions get preached up, but when we go out of the church’s doors we get knocked flat by the enemy. Why? We are being entertained. We have great shepherds over us, but they don’t know everything. I was taught that you can only teach what you yourself know. If you don’t know God’s Will, then, you cannot teach God’s Will. The scribes and pharisees read God’s Word daily. They studied. They prayed. They attended services, but they still missed the salvational purpose of Jesus Christ. We can remember the whole bible and still miss being in God’s will. What about us? How do we discern when God is working His Will in our lives? Have you ever counted how many times you said, I just want to do God’s Will, or all I want to be is in God’s will, but can you recognize when God is teaching you His Will. To ask God to put you into His will is one thing, living through the process is a different story altogether. God will change you. He may change you alittle or a lot, but you will be changed. Everything that you think you have done for God previously doesn’t matter. None of what you have done is worth anything when He is teaching you about His will. Getting into God’s’ Will is going to take you through changes. I will share what God did with me when He answer my request to do His will. I may not happen to you, but atleast you will have an idea of the process. When you look back over David’s life you will see the same things and more. The very first thing that happened was I lost friends and family. People who I cared deeply for abandon me without a second thought. I found myself prosecuted for different things. I was separated. I later understood that God could not deal with me if I were being distracted by friends and family that were not about His business. I had to learn how to be alone with God. I was placed in no win scenarios. No matter which way I turned I was being prosecuted for something. No one was there to comfort me. Even those who knew the process of learning God’s Will could do nothing but pray. It was going to be me and Jesus alone. While I was struggling with the loss of friends and family, the enemy started taking back everything I had collected under his rule. I lost everything. My job, apartment, relationships, everything I thought was important. He took it back. At this point most I started to lose it trying to figure out what was going on with my life. The things which the enemy allowed me to keep kept me bound in his service trying to keep them. God allowed the loss of those things because they needed to be removed from my life, so I would be free. The enemy is the prince of the world, and he can do what he wants within his system. My education, car note, mortgage payment, utility bills are all designed to keep me within the enemy’s system by financial oppression. The enemy wanted to control every area of my life, and the best way to do it is through economic oppression. You will never have enough to be free from his control. The enemy doesn’t care about anyone. He doesn’t want you to have anything not unless you get it through his system, and he will do anything steal, kill, and destroy to keep a person in his system of control. I had to make a choice: living a compromised life or living for Jesus Christ. I chose Christ Jesus. Jesus said, fiery trials would come, and for me they came trial, after trial, after trial. I didn’t know what to do, and all I could do was wait them out. The word says, tribulation brings patience and patience experience. The trials are designed to develop patience. The combine pressures of the trials are designed to make me patience and to bring the worst part of me to the surface. How I deal with my own problems is going to be the key to your victories during spiritual warfare. While I was trying to figure out how to escape my prosecutions, the enemy was still attacking me on every side. I knew his chief weapon is accusations and he and his people are very, very good at it. He was accusing me every step of the way, so don’t be surprised when the accusations come. These are allowed as part of the process in getting into God’s Will. The enemy’s people belong to all types of organizations but they all operate the same way in shadows and whisper in the ears of all those who will listen. They will never accuse you directly but will always operate behind your back. The enemy will use technology to block, hinder, humiliate, pry, to isolate you. He cannot afford to let you roam free in his system. People just might get saved. While the trials brought my worst parts to the surface so I could deal with them. The wicked also watches the righteous and tries to use those parts to slay you. As I prayed, fasted, gave sacrificial offerings, shouted out scriptures, ran around the church all to no avail. I found that the only way to defeat the enemy was to meet my adversaries in the spiritual realm. That is why you must know how to deal with yourself. What you bind on earth is bound in Heaven and what you loose on earth is loose in Heaven. You will only win your battle over the enemy if you are not living a compromised life. A compromised life although the individual is saved doesn’t have the ability to fight a good fight of faith because their spiritual life is tainted. I didn’t understand trials have a side effect. They help to to renew my mind. I didn’t realize that until I stopped running and stood still and faced my trials in faith. I didn’t understand that until I started submitting myself to God that then and only then could I resist the devil. As I passed from trial to trial my faith in God grew stronger and stronger because they increased my faith in Christ. I became more and more confident in what God could do. I started believing that if He could deliver me from one trial surely He could deliver me from the next one also. I had to STOP RUNNING and BEGGING to be taken out of the furnaces of the trials and face my trials in Jesus’s name. While I was learning to deal with my trials I had to learn how to overcome my fears. God has not given us the spirit of fear… but when I was going through my learning process and was losing friends, family, job, home, etc. etc. etc… I came face to face with my fears. I had to learn how to control my fears, or they would overcome me. This is where the renewing of your mind comes into play. Job said, the things he feared were the things that came upon him. Fear’s job is to make you so afraid that you will make a mistake by using bad judgement. Then you will fall into the layers of traps set by the enemy. Please understand that the enemy has people watching you the entire time you are going through this transformation period because you are seeing God’s Will. He hates God and he hates you; therefore, he will use everyone in his system to watch you accuse you, and destroy you. Stay focused on God and stay in God’s Word. Fears affect your spirit, soul, and body because it is a spirit. Because it is a spirit, it will talk to you to try to make you doubt God. This is where submission comes into play in learning about God’s will. You cannot learn God’s Will unless you have a submissive heart. The word says, submit yourself unto God resist the devil and he will flee. Submission becomes one of the key ingredients to getting into God’s will. David was a man after God’s own heart because he had a heart to do God’s will. David rose from being a shepherd to a king because his heart was right before God. David’s heart desire was to serve God. I unlike David who knew God from a youth. I didn’t. I was afraid when a cloud of conviction came upon me. I was afraid while I was at a loss to what was going on with me. I was afraid while I started researching churches and end up in an Apostolic Church where I received some of the answers to my questions. However, I stopped being afraid when I began to seek God’s Will for my life. I began to wonder is there more to God than just this. The more I attended services the closer I wanted to get to God. My pastor at the time begin to see the changes in me, and he did all he could but God had a different plan for my life. I had to learned how to to face my fears. God broke the grip of fear on my life, but I had to fight to keep it free. Now he was taking me into a different direction, and I learned that obedience is better than sacrifice. I had to overcome my fears by doing what was right before God. Sin has fear. Fear is a spirit. The peace of God will surpass all fear if you are living right before God. If you are not following God fear will win every time. The more submissive my heart became; the deeper I was able to move in His will. Praise the Lord my brothers and sisters this is an excerpt from my lesson on: Learning To Do God’s Will - Lesson: 201402003 I had to grow to understand God is in control of everything that has ever happen or will happen in my life. The enemy may have caused negative things to happen to me, but God was and is ready willing and able to give me beauty for the destruction the enemy caused in my life. Regardless of how my circumstances looked I had to believe God could turn it around and use it for His glory. It may be hard for us to accept and understand, but none of us were there when God set His plans in motions. Why does He allows things to happen the way that they do? Only God knows! Pharaoh fulfilled God’s purpose in order for Moses to do His Will. Judas fulfilled God’s purpose in order that Jesus could fulfill His Will. The enemy and his disciples fulfill God’s purpose in order for the saved in Christ Jesus to do His Will upon the earth. We don’t know why God does things the way that He does them. We must believe it is in His Will, and we can’t do God’s Will if we don’t know God. God is in control of every single thing that is happening everywhere at the same time. We have to view things from a perspective that God has a purpose in order to do His Will. The enemy maybe the prince of the earth, but God is the King. I had to remain in the process that would develop my faith to make me into the person who would do God’s Will. Someone He can use for His glory. I had to overcome traps by the enemy, betrayals by love ones, deaths in the family, exiles for saying and doing the right thing, accusations from strangers, and invasions of my privacy because I was seeking God’s Will for my life. It took time for me to realize that I could not run from my trials because my trials are part of the process to renew my mind. I had to learn to see God’s Will in everything. By the way while I was learning to do God’s Will and being attacked on every side, God did not leave me defenseless. He fought my battles. He defended me and repaid all those who attacked me. Everything works together for my good whether it felt like it or not. Walking by faith and not by sight is something that I had to learn to do. There are different levels of God’s Will, but learning about them all starts with seeking God’s Will. Because Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins to reestablish my relationship with God. I walk upright before Him and when I fail, He picks me up. Many have tried to cause me to compromise my relationship with Him but I recognize they are doing the will of the enemy. I know that He hears me because I am in His Will. For more of this lesson contact me at:
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:07:06 +0000

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