Mirror mirror on the wall. ... As women we are always concerned - TopicsExpress


Mirror mirror on the wall. ... As women we are always concerned with our outward appearance. My husband sometimes laughs at me as I am getting ready. On weekends when I do not have to go to work I spend more time assembling my attire. I actually select what shoes I want to wear first. Now just so you know, I really really like shoes! I have had to decrease the number of shoes and noe have a measly 80 pair to select from. Once the shoe selection is made I can move on to clothes. I will usually put on several outfits before making up my mind. Even then I sometimes change my mind. Now makeup. I am careful to hold the colors up to the clothes to make sure they match. Once it has been applied I work on the hair. Another 30 minutes or so later my hair is perfectly coifed and ready. Next the purse. And I really like purses! I change my old purse for one that matches my outfit. This is a process!! Now I am ready. ..almost. The outward image is really nothing if my inward image does not reflect the image that God made for me. We all have times that we wish we looked like. ...or didnt have so much of.....or ciuld have more of......what we sometimes forget is that God made each of us with special features of HIM! Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created male and female in his own image! We are beautifully made!!!!! Tomorrow when you look in your mirror remember that you are chosen by God. You are a child of good which makes you a princess. You are a woman whose life has been changed by God. You are Blessed and Highly favored. Mirror mirror on the wall who is a favored princess of God...YOU♡
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:03:14 +0000

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