“Money and Abundance” Part 1 Once again, we will thank each - TopicsExpress


“Money and Abundance” Part 1 Once again, we will thank each and every one of you for creating this interaction with us in this way…this day. By allowing the channel to act, as you would say in your language…like a telephone, we can speak through him to you at this time and in this way, so that we may share with you our perspective of your planet, so that you may learn about us…so that we may learn about you, so that eventually in the years to come…in the near future, our civilizations and your civilizations may interact openly…freely, so that we may come to your world and share with you, so that you eventually may come to our worlds and share with us. For there are hundreds of millions of us, what you call extraterrestrials, who are watching your planet as it goes through its changes now. This is a very important time upon your Earth, many things are happening that will allow you to one day…learn to create realities…in a different way, in a way that does not create problem, suffering…confusion…pollution, and all sorts of other forms of danger upon your world. We are watching you change your idea about what you are. We are watching you change your idea about what you can do. You are beginning to remember…you are beginning to realize that the things that you have been taught on your planet for thousands of years…are not the way it has to be. You are beginning to realize that you CAN create the lives you want. You are beginning to realize that you CAN live your dreams, that you can have all the joy…all the abundance…all the creativity, that you really do want…that you really do desire in your hearts, that there are ways to create these things, that there are ways that you can always be happy, that there are ways that you can always easily solve all your problems, because you are powerful beings, each and every one of you…is a powerful aspect of creation, each and every one of you has the capability to know whatever you need to know, to have whatever you need to have, to live lives FULLY…without pain…without struggle, to learn…to grow…and to become together…a planetary society, that can then allow your planet to become a garden, and can then reach out to the stars and join us in our exploration of many different worlds…many different people, many different beings that exist. But we can not interact with you fully until your world begins to change a little bit more dramatically, in ways that are more similar to our civilizations. Only when you become a little bit more like us, peaceful… creative…joyful…happy…then can we interact with you. Because it is still your planet…you still have to make the decisions as to the way you want your planet to be. We cannot interfere…we cannot do it for you, cannot force our ideas upon you. We can only guide you…we can only suggest, that there are ways in which your world can be very, very joyful…very, very creative. But you must decide to take our word, and to turn our words into action, to change things upon your planet in positive ways. And when you change them enough in positive ways, then YOU WILL CREATE the kind of environment, YOU WILL CREATE the kind of world, wherein our people can more freely and openly interact with yours. That day is not very far away, you have already made a great many changes upon your planet. We have been speaking to your people now for a number of years, teaching you HOW to make changes, HOW to make your life more easy, HOW to make your life more happy, HOW to be creative…HOW to be powerful, HOW to know you are strong. For all of you are already strong…none of you is weak…not really. You may be taught that you are weak, you may have been taught to believe that you don’t have the ability to do this, or you don’t have the ability to do that, or you don’t have the ability to HAVE this or HAVE that. But these are only lessons you have learned. Perhaps your parents have taught them to you, perhaps their parents have taught them to them, and all the way back for thousands of years, you have been teaching each other that things have to be hard…that things have to be difficult, that you cannot allow yourself to create easily. You no longer have to believe this. Now you are waking up…waking up from your sleep, waking up into the understanding that you ARE powerful people. You can be grateful to the universe, and humble still…for what you have. You can USE your gratitude…you can USE your power, to HELP yourselves…to HELP others. For the more you love…the more you help each other, the more you will have…guaranteed. This is not just philosophy, this is not just something that sounds good, this is the way the universe works. Everything in the universe is energy…everything is energy, matter is energy…it is like crystalized energy. In the same way that you have steam, water and ice. They are all different forms of the same thing. Energy is like the steam…it moves around, it expands…it goes where it will…very fluid. Matter is like ice…solidified water, but its all made of the same thing. It depends upon the vibration. When you’re a high vibration…a high frequency…you are energy. When you are a s-l-o-w vibration…a s-l-o-w frequency, you are matter. But that’s what your spirit is…your spirit is energy! You have heard your people on your planet talk about spirit, you have heard them talk about soul…consciousness…mind. IT’S ENERGY! It’s all energy…it’s all light, light that sometimes is free, light that sometimes is structured and solid. It’s all that kind of energy. When you change your vibration by changing the way you think, by changing the way you act, you change your frequency…you go faster, things run more smoothly…not quite so s-l-o-w-l-y and difficultly, if you are moving too s-l-o-w-l-y…if you are too solid, because your beliefs and your ideas say that things have to be hard…things have to be difficult, to the point where you hardly know how to move at all, you can learn new ideas…ideas that have higher energy to them. When you learn how to see things in new ways and they bring higher energy, then things are easy…the universe moves easily, you can change things quickly, you can create things in your life, attract things in your life…quickly…smoothly. Again, this is not just talk…you can see it work. When you change your idea…when you change your thoughts, when you learn how to see things differently, when you learn how to define your reality differently, then things happen differently! Because your physical reality, it seems very solid…I know…but it’s not. It only seems solid because of your idea.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 00:25:52 +0000

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