Mother: N: One who loves and cares for her children. V: To watch - TopicsExpress


Mother: N: One who loves and cares for her children. V: To watch over nourish, and protect. I dont think I have ever felt this powerless in my life. Generally I am strong, and able to be whatever my family has needed from me. Right now I feel like I have failed my children. I brought them into a world that I cant even begin to comprehend myself. You see the past couple of weeks have been harsh. I have always known that people did not understand that racism still exist and is something we deal with on a regular, but for some reason a lot of us have been able to press forward in spite of and ignore reality. I live in the hope that I have my sons well enough prepared that no one can destroy what we have worked so hard to build up. I have done the talk on how to act and present yourself so no one can misconstrue who you are. I have always explained how to handle themselves if they are ever in bad situations. I taught them about Gods Love for us, and how they should love everyone. If anyone knows anything about me, I will celebrate with each of you on all accomplishments and joys in your life. It brings me joy when amazing things happen to the people that I love. I cry when those unpleasant life changing events happen as well. Over this past month, I have had some of my closest friends, mere acquaintances dismiss something that really has major effects on my family. I may not dialogue about it on a regular,but exist. I have seen some really cruel, cruel things. Then I as a mother have to look my oldest son in the face and say its gonna get better. Everyone tells me what a wonderful child he is. He is so polite and well mannered. If I honestly told you the experiences me and my husband had to go back and build him back up over, because of ignorant comments, derogatory comments that would never be a thought in his head to say to another. What hurts the most is we have always told him that its not what they call you but what you answer to. Sticks and stones may hurt your bones but words can never hurt you. Its a lie. I have seen post by some close friends of mine that made me stop and say I actually chose you to be my friend and a part of my childrens lives and this is truly how you feel. It has been awful. The worst part of it all is to look in your childs eyes and know you exposed them to it. I hate to break your bubble. Racism still exist. If you did not believe it before now you should know. It is everywhere. I am sorry that in your world you dont see it. But please be sensitive to others who it is their reality. Its not made up. Lord knows I wish it was, cause then it would just go away.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 01:49:24 +0000

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