My 2 Cents of Sense: DEPRESSED AND DISTRESSED I just returned - TopicsExpress


My 2 Cents of Sense: DEPRESSED AND DISTRESSED I just returned from the Bootheel of Missouri for a funeral of a relative. That was depressing alone by itself. But what I saw with the people of the Bootheel was enough to make anyone cry. It has been about 5 years since I paid that region a visit, as the last time I was down there found the people of southern Missouri struggling to make ends meet. Today, they cant make ends meet, as the Obamanomics of America has certainly taken its toll on a lower educated and less modernized region of our country. If its that bad in Missouri, I cant imagine other regions of how they are coping with rising inflation, reducing employment, and an economy which is so distressed that its beginning to die. What jobs do exist in Missouri are mostly part-time, and full time work isnt paying much above minimum wage. Few people have money, and struggle week to week just to keep food on the table, fuel in their vehicle, and the electricity on. The number of auctions, foreclosures, and homes for sale looks like some plague hit the area and everyone bugged out. The businesses which are remaining open, must be on a string, as many that I was familiar with are now gone, and hours of operation reduced to 3 days a week trying to hold expenses down. The downtown area of the town I was in looked like a scene from a Hollywood film where the set was created to look like the future after a holocaust had struck. Back in the 1800s when gold and silver dried up, once thriving western towns died, as the townsfolk were forced to move out in search of a better environment to live and raise a family. Ghostowns dotted the desert and plains as gangs and drifters were about the last ones to remain in a town that once had everything going for it. The remains of many of these towns still exist as tourist attractions, but has never recovered economically since the Rushs end. What I saw this weekend is the beginnings of a new era of ghostowns, as smaller communities that once had industry, farming, and development have become victims of the socialists dream of making everyone equally poor. I had a chance to talk to several of the townsfolk to ask them what had happened, where everyone went, and what they were going to do. Of course with many smaller rural communities, the younger ones leave for the bigger cities where they can find work, leaving their parents and grandparents behind in trying to hold the community together. As age creeps in, so does the age of the community. Retired on pensions and social security, disability and welfare have become the new main employer of these regions. The little left over from each check keeps small grocery stores, Dollar Generals, roadside fruit stands, and the corner convenience store in operation. Major corporate outlets are long gone, and with them the staple income which had kept the community thriving. They told me of the days prior to 06 when the Democrats took over that their town had weekly Saturday picnics and dances for the community. Everyone pitched in to help. Donations were more than they needed to match the expense, as the rest went into the community kitty for repairs, or what-have-yous. The stores were always full of shoppers, and construction or renovations were always going on somewhere, looking for hands to help in getting the job finished on schedule. The churches once had an abundance of worshipers, and expanded as the plate was full every week. If someone got into trouble, there was always someone there to help. Many of the churches are now closed, and turned into community care centers to help the needy, funded by US taxpayers. Buildings are paint-chipped and in the need of serious repair. Stop lights and street lights have been taken down to conserve the towns revenue needed for other purposes. There were only three cops remaining on the police force, as other communities had to close it down and turn the law enforcement over to the county sheriff and state troopers who cruise through every once in a while. The fire department is now strictly volunteer, and at one large brush fire two years ago, they lost one engine because the pump broke down and the fire engulfed the truck before they could get it moved to safety. The parks still had tree damage from a severe ice storm a couple of years ago, as the streets had potholes filled with whatever they can find to keep someone from loosing an axle. Some places had so much asphalt missing that they took up the rest to expose the old brick street underneath, which actually was in a better condition. The high school and grade school has now been combined into one building, as kids are not as common as they once were because their parents moved to St Louis or Memphis to find work. All in all, there was a sense of gloom which now filled the town, as everyone remaining tried to hold onto a hope that things will once again be better, but knows deep in their heart that their town had seen its last hoorah. America is dying, my friends. You may not see it in the area in which you live, but if you ever venture out, it wont take long to find it. Look at Detroit, East Saint Louis, West Memphis, South Chicago, South Los Angeles, South Birmingham, and other cities which has seen massive deterioration due to an impoverished economy... even our larger cities are beginning to experience the ghostown syndrome of no jobs, no money, no people, and no future. Its not little rural communities any longer, as the disease has spread outward, effecting everywhere that the money isnt, and that is about 75% of our nation. The promise of hope and change has given everyone little hope with only little change left over after paying normal living expenses... if that! The fundamental transformation of America is well under way, as it will now take a miracle to restore any piece of what we once had in many of these type of communities. I heard these old guys over breakfast this morning talking about the buses of illegals which have been coming in around their area. It seems that since peach and watermelon harvest time has now arrived, so has the illegals. I heard them say there are far too many people willing to go into the field to pick, but the local farming industry ( you do know that many farms are now corporate owned in America now) wont allow the locals to work the fields any longer. Hispanic help is cheaper, and they work twice as fast, they told me. They make their few thousands and then move to the next area, never spending hardly a dime in the community more than what they have to in order to survive a few weeks. These old guys were really pissed at Obama for letting the Hispanics in and not shipping them back to where they came. These communities have never been much of an Obama or Democrat supporter, and it seems now they are paying that price. If you drove your car through town with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker on it, it wouldnt take long to be fishing your car out of the old quarry or Mississippi River... maybe with you still in it! Needless to say, they hate Obama and the Democrats, as they blame them for their troubles, as they have full right to do! Many with whom I talked with want a revolution to start soon before things get any worse, because they feel only another civil war stands any hope of getting their America back. I told them there are plenty of city slickers who also feel the same as they do. Yes, America is rapidly dying, and decaying further each year. Many rural areas are so depressed and distressed than our maps will be changing in the not too distant future. It seems that the whole idea is to move everyone out of smaller communities and the rural areas to move the populous back into the city where they can have a better life... a life more controlled by powerful others. Have you ever heard of Agenda-21? If you have not, then you need to look it up, as I told many of these townsfolk to do, because what has been happening to them has all been pre-mapped out, and is now in full operational mode. In a nutshell, Agenda-21 is the destruction of rural and suburbia America, and the consolidation of the populous into the largest cities of the state, once the populous has been reduced by 2/3rds. Not a one looked at me as if I was full of crap as they listened to me intently. When I was through, they shook their heads and said I knew that nigger was out to destroy us white folks! and a few other harsh comments I shall not repeat here. But you get the idea. They knew there was a conspiracy, but didnt understand where it was coming from because the mail is really slow in rural America these days. They are definitely enlightened now. They told me they try to vote these people out of office, but the bigger cities are too full of Democrats which over-votes them every time. They dont know of anyone who votes for Democrats, and if they did, theyd have a harsh awakening real fast! I heard several say the the elections are now rigged as their vote doesnt get counted any longer. They may be right on that one, too... for what we are witnessing in America today is an all out blitzkrieg to transform America into a socialist state of statists whos only goal is the one prescribed to them by the Powers That Be. Agenda-21 is but just one of their prescriptions, as is Common Core, REX-84, ObamaCare, and several other globalist medicinal injections to make America and the world into their own image. The people of the South are fully awake now. They want to rise again and go to war, they only need the catalyst to start it. They may not be informed, but they certainly are not stupid, and they wont take this crap much longer, not by taking it laying down. I think they would rather see their towns burn and the people dead with a gun in their hand defending their livelihood than to turn it over to those with whom they call their enemy. It wont be long until the reaction become action as the mob is forming to go to Washington to hang those which these people call Americas traitors. And when they do, I think they will receive a lot of help from the city slickers who agree with them, and will support them 100%. Thank you for your support! Bless everyone who defends freedom! Written By: Jim Hovda theeconomiccollapseblog/archives/barack-obamas-white-house-rural-council-central-economic-planning-for-americas-heartland
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 01:10:45 +0000

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