My dad went to the doctor today. Luckily, nothing is broken. He is - TopicsExpress


My dad went to the doctor today. Luckily, nothing is broken. He is still in a lot of pain. The doctor wrote for physical therapy to see if it will help. Kenny and Emma are still sick, in fact a little worse. Please continue to lift us up in prayer and send us your positive energy. In celebration of my dads 86th birthday today, I would like to share a story. He is limited in how he can exercise due to sight and balance issues. He told me the other day that he works on strength training by helping mom with groceries. I asked how. He said he pushes the cart and as she fills it up, he lifts it like a bicep curl. As the cart gets more full, it gets harder and harder to lift. Therefore you have modified strength training. This story is a great example of what type a person my dad is. For one, he is always looking at the positive in things. What can he do versus what he cant do. He never gives up and is always looking to make himself a better human being. I consider myself a realist. Most people would consider me a pessimist. I try to be like my dad and look for the positive in things, never give up, and try to be a better human being. Some days I fail miserably and other days I do ok. It is stories like the shopping cart that make me smile and remind me of the lessons I have observed in my dads life. The shopping cart also reminds me of life. More and more stuff gets thrown into our lives. We become more busy, have more responsibilities, and more stress. We begin to get very full and very heavy. It gets harder and harder to keep going, to lift your spirits just like it gets harder to lift that shopping cart. I personally like the smaller shopping carts. I get overwhelmed with a huge grocery list. I would rather go more often and have a smaller list and smaller shopping cart. Hmm...pretty familiar. In what ways in my life am I packing my cart too full before taking a break to unload. Most of you have probably heard or read about the death of Robin Williams. Mental health in America is often not talked about. There is still a stigma associated with psychology and psychiatry. We have to appear strong all the time, like we have it all put together. It is seen as a sign of weakness or even worse a sign of lack in faith if you need help. Being a licensed counselor myself, I am a huge proponent for going to counseling at least once in your life. You may say but there is nothing wrong with me. Well, lets see you get to go to a non biased individual of your choice. They are paid to listen to you and help you solve your problems or at least just let you vent them. Sounds like a good deal to me! I myself have been to counseling several times. It helps me tremendously. Is your shopping cart heavy and hard to lift? Could you use some help unloading for a little while? Listen to that little voice inside of you. The one that says you deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved. You deserve a little pampering for yourself. Dont let your shopping cart get so full and so heavy that you no longer want to lift it.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:49:29 +0000

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