My job has been good to me. Four years ago, this December, God - TopicsExpress


My job has been good to me. Four years ago, this December, God brought it along at a time when I desperately needed work. I am thankful for it, and have tried to remain positive all along. Admittedly, I have at times failed, and unfortunately, I have not always maintained my spiritual life the way I should, which in turn rubs off on my attitude. Im simply being real here, being honest. I am surrounded by so much negativity day in and day out. Unless one really maintains a close walk with the Lord, that negativity can very easily take root in your own life. At times, it has with me. However, I can honestly and truly say that from day one, I have given this job my all, my 100% effort. There are many things that I do to help out that never are seen, and I am perfectly happy with that. I despise brown nosers, people who do things only when someone else is watching so that they will be seen and praised. Such people are worse than worthless. When I was young, I was taught to do everything with all my might and ability. It has been a lifelong lesson for me to learn. Now, I look for any way possible to help out, to better the area around me, to help others. Not to be noticed, but because its the right thing to do. I get the greatest fulfillment out of helping other people. I often feel that in my job, no one understands me. Actually, scratch that. I often feel in my life, very few people understand me. lol But for now, Im talking about my job. It isnt a perfect place to work. I am increasingly disgusted with the deceit, the dishonesty that I see in management there. The favoritism, the nepotism. I have seen valuable people passed over and lesser people promoted for no good, valid reason. It disgusts me further when management has the gall to then lie to those good peoples faces, giving them some bogus, made-up story as to why they did what they did. Unfortunately, in life, its often about who you drink with, sleep with, watch games with, play cards with, fantasize about, etc. Merit based work is dead, it seems. At least where I work. I myself have not sought promotion, as I do not feel I have sufficient technical knowledge to lead a team there. Leadership wise, I have tons of experience, and I know that I could do as good a job leading a team as anyone we have. No question, no doubt. However, I am not after promotion. I feel I am in a spot where I can do a lot of good, and where I can continue to learn and develop. I am simply angry on behalf of others. From day one, I committed that I was going to do the best I could, regardless if anyone was watching or not. I was not going to look to any man for validation or promotion. Through everything, I am going to trust God, trust Him to take me where I need to go, when I need to go there. While I am here, I must recommit to doing the very best I can, to get done what needs to be done. I will continue to put in extra effort on my job. I will continue to help others. If other people dont understand, well, I cannot be bothered by that. If I were to go through life explaining myself constantly to people, Id never get anything done. Unfortunately, when you work with people of which many are lazy and dont treat their job with any sort of care or respect, those people dont tend to like or accept someone who does come along and puts in a lot of effort. Ive had the pleasure of working beside a few such people here in my job, and I respect them. Hard work and dedication are not totally dead. That gives me hope. So. Despite the way things are, I remain thankful, I remain committed. I always pray that my work will be as if Im serving the Lord directly. The lessons I am learning are that, I need more patience. The grace to walk in love towards others, always, and that I must pray for each person rather than run them down with my words. A tall order for one who has a fiery temper, but...not by might, nor by power, but by the Holy Spirit. I encourage each of you, if you are faced with similar circumstances in your life, to also strive to walk in love and grace towards your fellow man. Trust me, I have been on both sides, and it is so much better not carrying around the weight of anger and bitterness. Im working on getting back to that point in life. When you feel you cant do it, pray. I will be praying, I know that. No matter what, we must not let our circumstances and situations become the master of us. We must master THEM.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 01:59:38 +0000

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